Qnap 401T - Enable Telnet

Post date: Dec 2, 2014 10:02:33 AM

To enable telnet in Qnap 401T you have to gather following informations about your Nas :

Mac : (00:08:9B:8A:8A:BB)
Version : (1.3.0)

All that information put together with a predefined string (QNAP_NAS_) give you the following full string :


(QNAP_NAS_ + Name + "_" + MAC + "_" + Version)

Then compute md5 checksum of the last string ( with http://onlinemd5.com/ perhaps)


And add it to the console access url :


Then enter the following commands to enable telnet permanently on port 13131 :

/bin/cp -f /etc/inittab.enable /etc/inittab
/bin/utelnetd -p 13131 -d 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null

That's it :)

source : http://forums.slimdevices.com/

(should work with TS-101 the same way, but not tested)