**** Message from Navy League of Canada ****

- A message from the National President -

On 13 March, in response to developments, the Navy League of Canada issued a notice cancelling all Navy League Cadet activities, as well as Navy League meetings, conferences, and events until October 1 , 2020.

On 18 March, Ontario Premier called for a provincial state of emergency, quickly followed by British Columbia and Alberta.

A thorough risk analysis was completed and we have decided to cancel all Navy League activities until further notice. We will continue to monitor the changes across Canada and will ensure to update our members as soon as public health officials deem it safe to resume activities in large gatherings.

As a national organization with extensive group programming across the country, the Navy League of Canada holds the health and safety of the cadets, members, volunteers, and their families in our highest priority. To this end, we encourage our members to follow their local health authorities and adopt physical distancing as best as possible.

We look forward to e-connecting with you soon.


Matt Waterman,

CD National President The Navy League of Canada

Corps Information

Corps Telephone Number: 519-836-4530

Parade Nights/Time: Friday @ 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm**

Corps Mailing Address: 75 Cardigan Street, Guelph

Corps E-mail Address:

REMEMBER to contact us if you can't attend an event!

**New registrations at any time!