
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at Rice University, and a CEPR Research Affiliate. I obtained my Ph.D. from Bonn University.

My research area is microeconomic theory, in particular information economics, political economy, auctions and social learning. 

Most of my work centers around multidimensional information choice: how individuals decide about what to learn in varying strategic environments.

During the academic year 2024-2025, I am visiting Northwestern University.

You can find my CV here.

email: nina.bobkova[at]rice.edu

Publications / forthcoming

Information Choice in Auctions, American Economic Review, July 2024, 114(7), (lead article) [Online Appendix] 

Local Evidence and Diversity in Minipublics (with Arjada Bardhi), Journal of Political Economy, August 2023, 131(9)  [Online Appendix]

Optimal Group Testing with Heterogeneous Risks (with Ying Chen and lya Eraslan), Economic Theory, June 2023

Two-Dimensional Information Acquisition in Social Learning (with Helene Mass), Journal of Economic Theory, June 2022 (202)

Asymmetric Budget Constraints in a First-Price Auction, Journal of Economic Theory, March 2020 (186)

Working Papers


The Optimality of Majority Rule: An Information-Choice Perspective [new version!]

Persuading an Informed Committee (with Saskia Klein)