
Research Interests

Macroeconomics, Political Economy 


"A note on the Unemployment Volatility Puzzle" (online appendix), Oxford Economic Papers, volume 75, January 2023

"Aggregation in economies with search frictions", Journal of Mathematical Economics, volume 96, October 2021 (with Paulo Santos-Monteiro

"Debt and welfare in economics with land", Economic Theory, 64, 805-824 (2017) (with H. Polemarchakis)

"Nominal rigidities equilibria in a non-Ricardian economy", Journal of Mathematical Economics, 67, 108-119 (2016). Featured in a special issue published by the Journal of Mathematical Economics

"Short sales, destruction of resources and welfare", Journal of Mathematical Economics, 67, 120-124 (2016) (with H. Polemarchakis)

Working papers and work in progress

" The Ins and Outs of unemployment in general equilibrium" (with Paulo Santos-Monteiro)  Revise and Resubmit in Economica 

"Self-fulfilling labor wedge fluctuations and unemployment insurance" (with Paulo Santos-Monteiro

"Vying for support: lobbying a legislator with uncertain preferences" (with Javier Rivas and Anne Marie Go) 

"Controlling inflation with central bank communication" (with Efthymios Smyrniotis and Michalis Rousakis)  Reject and Resubmit in European Economic Review 

'' A paradox of thrift in general equilibrium with intersectoral linkages and credit frictions''  

"Labor markets with exponential satisficing workers" (with Chris Tyson)

"Optimal taxation in overlapping generations with labor risk"