Group Members

Danielle Antoine

(BEE MS student)

Jenny Cruz

(EnvSci MS)

Genevieve Ehasz

(BEE MS student)

Lilia Ochoa

(CEE PhD student)

Travis Santana

(Microbial Biology PhD student)

Piash Ahamed

(EnvE '25)

Lylla Almosd

(Microbial Biology MS student)

Julianne Chan

(EnvE '24, Aresty)

Jean Chen

(ChemE, Aresty)

Aleksandra Mondzrik

(CEE, Aresty)

Maia Morgan

(Environmental Sciences, Douglass)

Henry Poblete

(EnvE '26)

See the "Join Us" page for current opportunities to become a member of our lab.


Postdoctoral Scholars

Sara Gallego, Ph.D.

Alessia Eramo, Ph.D.

Visiting Scholars

Yang Yang (Tianjin University)

Stephen Odonkor (Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration )


Jim Byrne (MS 2024)

Erik Nitzberg (MS 2023)

Lilia Ochoa (MS 2023)

Aishwarya Deshpande (PhD 2023)

William Morales Medina (PhD 2021)

Alessia Eramo (PhD 2018)

Sophia Blanc (MS 2021)

Will Boni (MS 2021)

Kendi Bailey (MS 2020)

Sarah Phelan (MS 2018)

Shirin Estahbanati (MS 2016)

Rotations & Collaborators

Adam Elabboudy (summer 2024)

Michael Monzon (MS 2024, collaborator)

Cristian Sanlatte (rotation)

Stephanie D'Elia (rotation)


Lylla Almods (Biotechnology '24, Douglass Summer STEM)

Morgan Llaneza (MSE '28)

Harini Suresh (EnvE '24, Aresty, JJ Slade)

Danielle Antoine (EnvE '23, Aresty)

Genevieve Ehasz (EnvE '23, JJ Slade)

Eesha Ali (ICECREAM)

Jenny Cruz (RiSE Program, Env Sci Kean)

Sergio Romero (CEE '26, Aresty)

Caitlyn Gilvey (BEE '23)

Aleena Aziz (Cell Bio, Douglass Summer STEM)

Shreya Patil, (BEE '22, Douglass Summer STEM, Slade Scholar) 

Fabian Amurrio (REU '21, UMBC)

Melissa Tu (CEE '21, Aresty)

Ian Roback (McNair, St. Olaf)

Kris Parker (BEE '22, Aresty)

Dion Pender (BEE '20)

Alexandra Fonseca (RiSE/REU)

Katie Parrish (Bio '19, Douglass Summer STEM)

Lakshmi Vishwanathan  (CEE '22)

Rachel Feldstein (CEE '20)

Sophia Blanc (CEE '19, Aresty)

Disha Soni (CEE '19, Aresty)

Sheri Elsaker (ISE '20, Aresty)

Raquele Strickland (Douglass Summer STEM)

Andrew Lo (BE '19, Aresty)

Michelle Yam (BE '18, Aresty)

Hannah Delos Reyes (CEE '17, Douglass Summer STEM)

Reba Oduro (CEE '16, Aresty)

Salimar Cordero Mercado (University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, ChemE '16, RiSE + REU)

Nimah Ahmed (CEE '15, Douglass Summer STEM)

Nicole Del Monaco (CEE '15)

Sampling the Raritan

Hacklebarney Hike Summer 2017

End of Year Celebration 2016