Publications & Communications


Chevallier, T., Fradet, L., Vignais, N., Boucher, J.-P. Evaluation of a Wireless 3D Pedal Sensor for Measuring Foot-Pedal Interaction Forces during cycling: Comparison with Conventional Sensors. French Society of Biomechanics. Compiègne, France, 29-31 of Oct., 2024.

Roinson, R., Boucher, J.-P., Vignais, N. Estimating center of mass kinematics from an instrumented athletic track: a preliminary study for long jump analysis. Multidisciplinary Biomechanics Journal. Paper considered for publication after the French Society of Biomechanics. Compiègne, France, 29-31 of Oct., 2024.

Karamanoukian, A., Boucher, J.-P., Labbé, R., Vignais, N. Monitoring Fatigue Through Ground Reaction Forces Among Professional Football Players Using an Instrumented Pair of Football Shoes: A Two-Phase Study. 2024 IEEE International Workshop on Sport, Technology and Research (STAR), Lecco, Italy, 8-10 of July, 2024

Quesada, L., Verdel, D., Bruneau, O., Berret, B., Amorim, M.-A., Vignais, N. Impact of EMG signal processing on accuracy and latency of motor intention prediction. Neural Control of Movement 2024, 15-19th of April, 2024. Accepted. 

Koskas, D., Vignais, N. Physical ergonomic assessment in cleaning hospital operating rooms based on inertial measurement units. Bioengineering, Special Issue on Advances in Wearable Technologies for ”In-Field” Assessment of Biomechanical Risk, accepted.  

Quesada, L., Verdel, D., Bruneau, O., Berret, B., Amorim, M.-A., Vignais, N. EMG-to-torque models for exoskeleton assistance: a framework for the evaluation of in situ calibration. bioRxiv 2024.01.11.575155; doi: 

Verdel, D., Farr, A., Devienne, T., Vignais, N., Berret, B., Bruneau, O. Human movement modifications induced by different levels of transparency of an active upper limb exoskeleton. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, section Human-Robot Interaction, accepted.


Hafs, A., Verdel, D., Jerray, J., Bruneau, O., Vignais, N., Berret, B., Fribourg, L. Convergence and robustness of the Hopf oscillator applied to an ABLE exoskeleton: reachability analysis and experimentation. Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs (MSR'23). Toulouse, France, 22-24 of Nov., 2023.

Correa, M., Projetti, M., Siegler, I., Vignais, N. Mechanomyographic analysis for muscle activity assessment during a load-lifting task. Sensors, Biomedical Sensors section, 23(18), 7969.

Verdel, D., Bastide, S., Geffard, F., Bruneau, O., Vignais, N., Berret, B. Reoptimization of single-joint motor patterns to non-Earth gravity torques induced by a robotic exoskeleton. iScience, 26(11).

Verdel, D., Bruneau, O., Sahm, G., Vignais, N., Berret, B. The value of time in the invigoration of human movements when interacting with a robotic exoskeleton. Science Advances, 9, eadh9533. 

Vignais, N. Développement de méthodologies pour analyser l'interaction avec un exosquelette actif de membre supérieur. Symposium "Ergonomie : Bénéfice des exosquelettes ? ", ACAPS. Reims, France, 31 of Oct.-2nd of Nov., 2023.

Vignais, N. Développement de méthodologies utilisant des capteurs embarqués pour l'évaluation ergonomique. Symposium "Analyse du mouvement à partir de capteurs embarqués : regards croisés dans différents environnements", ACAPS. Reims, France, 31 of Oct.-2nd of Nov., 2023.

Lebel, K., Le Tellier, B., Vignais, N. Développement d'un modèle d'aide à la décision pour l'intégration des exosquelettes en environnement professionnel. Proceedings of the Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives (ACAPS), Reims, France, 2023.

Quesada, L., Verdel, D., Bruneau, O., Berret, B., Amorim, M.-A., Vignais, N. Comparison of EMG-to-torque models using an upper-limb exoskeleton. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, accepted. Paper considered for publication after the French Society of Biomechanics. Grenoble, France, 25-27 of Oct., 2023.

Verdel, D., Sahm, G., Bruneau, O., Berret, B., Vignais, N. A Tradeoff between Complexity and Interaction Quality for Upper Limb Exoskeletons Interfaces. Sensors, Sensors and Robotics section, 23(8): 4122. 

Karamanoukian, A., Boucher, J.-P., Labbé, R., Vignais, N. Kinetic adaptations measured with instrumented football shoes during an exhaustive on-field run. European College of Sport Science, Paris, 4-7 of July, 2023. 

Delabarre, L., Teulier, C., Ganesan, A., Vignais, N., Triolet, C. Factors influencing the choice of forehand stances in professional tennis players. European College of Sport Science, Paris, 4-7 of July, 2023. 

Verdel, D., Bruneau, O., Sahm, G., Vignais, N., Berret, B. The value of time in the invigoration of human movements when interacting with a robotic exoskeleton. bioRxiv 2023.03.21.533648, preprint. doi: 

Arnoux, B., Farr, A., Boccara, V. Vignais, N. Evaluation of a passive upper limb exoskeleton in healthcare workers during a surgical instrument cleaning task. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20, 3153.

Pacher, L., Vignais, N., Chatellier, C., Vauzelle, R., Fradet, L. The contribution of multibody optimization when using inertial measurement units to compute lower-body kinematics. Medical Engineering & Physics, 111, 103927. 

Verdel, D., Sahm, G., Bastide, S., Bruneau, O., Berret, B., Vignais, N. Influence of the physical interface on the quality of human-exoskeleton interaction. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 53(1), 44-53. doi: 10.1109/THMS.2022.3175415.

Vignais, N. From sensors to biofeedback and exoskeletons: how biomechanics may support ergonomics. Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR), Université Paris-Saclay, soutenue le 27/01/2023.


Vignais, N., Bertucci, W., Cottin, F., Pichon, A. La filière Ingénierie et Ergonomie de l'Activité Physique en STAPS. Revue EPS, octobre-novembre-décembre 2022, 397, 22-24.

Correa, M., Projetti, M., Siegler, I., Vignais, N. MMG as an Alternative Tool to Emg for Ergonomic Assessment: A Comparative Study. Available at SSRN 4272157, preprint.

Vignais, N., Lebel, K., Heinz, K. Cleaning and ergonomics: analyzing through on-body sensors, assisting through exoskeletons. InterClean 2022, Amsterdam, 23rd of April, 2022. 

Verdel, D., Bastide, S., F. Geffard, Bruneau, O., Vignais, N., Berret, B. Fast reoptimization of human motor patterns in non-Earth gravity fields locally induced by a robotic exoskeleton. bioRxiv 2022.11.10.516038, preprint. doi:  

Correa, M., Projetti, M., Siegler, I. A., Vignais, N. Reliability and sensitivity of MMG and EMG signals during isometric contractions of upper limb muscles. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, accepted. Paper considered for publication after the French Society of Biomechanics. Monastir, Tunisia, 26-28 of Oct., 2022.

Verdel, D., Bastide, S., F. Geffard, Bruneau, O., Vignais, N., Berret, B. Humans can quickly and optimally adapt to non-Earth gravity elds locally induced by a robotic exoskeleton. Neural Control of Movement 2022 , 25-29th of July, 2022. Accepted.

Karamanoukian, A., Boucher, J.-P., Labbé, R., Vignais, N. Validation of Instrumented Football Shoes to Measure On-Field Ground Reaction Forces. Sensors, 22, 3673.

Verdel, D., Sahm, G., Bastide, S., Bruneau, O., Berret, B., Vignais, N. Human-Exoskeleton Interfaces Design and their Impact on Interaction. ICRA 2022 Workshop "Integrating Multidisciplinary Approaches to Advance Physical Human-Robot Interaction ", 27th of May, 2022. Accepted.

Vignais, N., Karamanoukian, A., Boucher J.-P., Labbé R. Preventing Injuries through Embedded sensors - Application in Soccer. 1st International Conference of Indian Society of sports and Exercise Medicine, ISSEMCON 2022. March 24 – 26, 2022.

Verdel, D., Bastide, S., Vignais, N., Bruneau, O., Berret, B. Human Weight Compensation with a Backdrivable Upper-Limb Exoskeleton: Identification and Control. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, section Bionics and Biomimetics, 1396.


Karamanoukian, A., Boucher, J.-P., Labbé, R., Vignais, N. Football shoes measuring on-field ground reaction forces. Sport Physics 2021. Lyon, France, 6-8 Dec., 2021.

Viseu, J.-P., Yiou, E., Vignais, N., Olivier, A. Postural Control Specificities According to Sports Expertise: A Comparison between Female Soccer Players, Horseback Riders and Non-Athletes. SSRN, preprint. 

Treussart, B., Caron, R., Geffard, F., Marin, F., Vignais, N. Personalizing the control law of an upper-limb exoskeleton using EMG signal. bioRxiv 2021.09.23.461504, preprint. doi:

Verdel, D., Bastide, S., Vignais, N., Bruneau, O., Berret, B. A New Weight Compensation Model Considering Joint Misalignments Monitored by a Feedforward Impedance Control Method Applied To an Active Upper-Limb Exoskeleton. Research Square, preprint. doi: 10.21203/

Jelti, Z., Lebel, K., Bastide, S., Leborgne, P., Slangen, P., Vignais, N. Effet de l’utilisation d’un dispositif d’assistance physique pour des mouvements impliquant des flexions de tronc. ERGO'IA 2021, Oct 2021, Bidart, France.

Verdel, D., Bastide, S., Bruneau, O., Berret, B., Vignais, N. Improving and quantifying the transparency of an upper-limb robotic exoskeleton with a force sensor and electromyographic measures. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 24:sup1, S1-S325, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2021.1978758. Paper considered for publication after the French Society of Biomechanics. Saint-Etienne, France, 25-27 of Oct., 2021.

Karamanoukian, A., Boucher, J.-P., Labbé, R., Vignais, N. Effects of fatigue on ground reaction forces measured through embedded sensors in football shoes during a constant velocity run: a preliminary study. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 24:sup1, S1-S325, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2021.1978758. Paper considered for publication after the French Society of Biomechanics. Saint-Etienne, France, 25-27 of Oct., 2021.

Delpierre, Y., Guesné, V., Aupetit, C., Vignais, N., Garnier, C., Brayer, A. Fear-Avoidance Belief Questionnaire, motor control and dynamic electromyography in case of patients with chronic Low Back Pain. A qualitative pilot study. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 24:sup1, S1-S325, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2021.1978758. Paper considered for publication after the French Society of Biomechanics. Saint-Etienne, France, 25-27 of Oct., 2021.

Vignais , N., Verdel, D.,  Bastide, S., Bruneau, O., Berret B. An identification method to improve the transparency of an exoskeleton: development and validation. Proceedings of the Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives (ACAPS), Montpellier, France, 2021. 

Karamanoukian, A., Boucher, J.-P., Labbé, R., Vignais, N. Validation of on-field ground reaction forces measured through force sensors embedded into a football shoe: a preliminary study. Proceedings of the Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives (ACAPS), Montpellier, France, 2021. 

Treal, T., Jackson, P., Jeuvrey, J., Vignais, N., Meugnot, A. Natural human postural oscillations enhance the empathic response to a facial pain expression in a virtual character. Scientific Reports, accepted.  

Verdel, D., Bastide, S., Vignais, N., Bruneau, O., Berret, B. An identification-based method improving the transparency of a robotic upper-limb exoskeleton. Robotica, 1-18. doi:10.1017/S0263574720001459. (link)

Jelti, Z., Lebel, K., Bastide, S., Le Borgne, P., Slangen, P., Vignais, N. Effect of using a physical assistance device for movements involving trunk bending. bioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/2021.02.08.429597 

MacIntosh, A., Vignais, N., Desailly, E., Biddiss, E., Vigneron, V. A classification and calibration procedure for gesture specific home-based therapy exercise in young people with cerebral palsy . Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 29, pp. 144-155, doi: 10.1109/TNSRE.2020.3038370.  



Vignais, N. Preventing musculoskeletal disorders with on-body sensors and real-time biofeedback. National Tsing Hua University & Université Paris-Saclay Bilateral Virtual Symposium: Biomedical Smart Devices and Characterization Tools. November 18 – 20, 2020.

Treal, T., Jackson, P., Vignais, N., Jeuvrey, J., & Meugnot, A. (2020). Natural human postural oscillations enhance the empathic response toward facial pain expression of a computer-generated character. Preprint, hal-02990506

MacIntosh, A., Desailly, E., Vignais, N., Vigneron, V., Biddiss, E. A biofeedback-enhanced therapeutic exercise video game intervention for young people with cerebral palsy: A randomized single-case experimental design feasibility study. PLOS ONE 15(6): e0234767. 

Verdel, D., Bastide, S., Vignais, N., Bruneau, O., Berret, B. Evaluation of a new control law improving the transparency of an exoskeleton. ICRA 2020 Workshop "Integrating Multidisciplinary Approaches to Advance Physical Human-Robot Interaction", 31st of May, 2020. Accepted.

Treussart, B., Geffard, F., Vignais, N., Marin, F. Controlling an upper-limb exoskeleton by EMG signal while carrying unknown load. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (pp. 9107-9113). 

Macintosh, A., Vignais, N., Vigneron, V., Fay, L., Musielak, A., Desailly, E., Biddiss, E. The design and evaluation of electromyography and inertial biofeedback in hand motor therapy gaming. Assistive Technology, 1-9.

Treussart, B., Geffard, F.,  Marin, F., Vignais, N.  Personalizing the control law of an upper-limb exoskeleton using EMG signal. Journée FéDeV 2020, virtual seminar, 14th of Oct., 2020.

Verdel, D., Bastide, S., Vignais, N., Bruneau, O., Berret, B. Improving robotic exoskeletons transparency: an identification-based method. Journée FéDeV 2020, virtual seminar, 14th of Oct., 2020.



Vignais, N. A motor control approach to Human/Exoskeleton Interaction. Special seminar at the McMaster Occupational Biomechanics Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology, McMaster University. Hamilton, 11 of December, 2019.

Vignais, N. Assessing physical ergonomics with on-body sensors and using real-time biofeedback to prevent musculoskeletal disorders. Special seminar at the Kite Research Institute, University Health Network. Toronto, 10 of December, 2019.

Treussart, B., Geffard, F., Vignais, N., Marin, F. Controlling an Exoskeleton with EMG Signal to Assist Load Carrying: a Personalized Calibration. IEEE/RAS International Conference on Mechatronics, Robotics & Systems Engineering (MoRSE), Bali, 4-6 Dec., 2019. 

Besombes, C., Castanier, C., Vignais, N. On-body sensors for ergonomic analysis: influence of supports for order picking. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 22:sup1, S1-S393, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2019.1668135 Paper considered for publication after the French Society of Biomechanics. Poitiers, France, 28-30 of Oct., 2019.

Bastide, S., Vignais, N., Geffard, F., Berret, B. Analysing human-exoskeleton interaction: on the human adaptation to modified gravito-inertial dynamics. French Society of Biomechanics, Poitiers, 28-30 of Oct., 2019. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 22:sup1, S1-S393, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2019.1668135 Paper considered for publication after the French Society of Biomechanics. Poitiers, France, 28-30 of Oct., 2019.

Vignais, N., Caen, N., Olivier, A. Estimation du risque d’apparition de trouble musculo-squelettique par des capteurs embarqués : un exemple dans la fabrication des selles d’équitation. Proceedings of the Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives (ACAPS), Paris, France, 2019. 

Olivier, A., Viseu, J.-P., Vignais, N., Vuillerme, N. Maintien de l’équilibre bipédique : comparaison entre des cavalières de dressage professionnelles et des non athlètes. Proceedings of the Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives (ACAPS), Paris, France, 2019.  

Triolet, C., Ganesan, A., Vignais, N. Influence de la latéralité, de la prise d’informations visuelles et du type d’appuis sur la vitesse de balle, la précision et la biomécanique du coup droit en tennis. Proceedings of the Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives (ACAPS), Paris, France, 2019.

MacIntosh, A., Vignais, N., Vigneron, V., Fay, L., Musielak, A., Desailly, E., Biddiss, E. Biofeedback in an active video game technology: Engaging young people with cerebral palsy in home-based therapy activities. 2019 RESNA/RehabWeek conference. Toronto, 24-28 of June, 2019.

Rizzuto, M., Sonne, M., Vignais, N., Keir, P. Evaluation of a virtual reality head mounted display as a tool for posture assessments in digital human modelling software. Applied Ergonomics vol. 79: 1-8. Share link.

Bastide, S., Vignais, N., Geffard, F., Berret, B. Adaptation to unfamiliar gravito-inertial dynamics induced by the interaction with an upper-limb exoskeleton. Progress in Motor Control XII. Amsterdam, 7-11 of July, 2019.

Vignais, N. Physical risk factors identification based on body sensor network combined to videotaping. Invited speaker to the French Society for Hospital Hygiene Annual Congress. Strasbourg, 5-7 of June, 2019.

Olivier, A., Viseu, J.-P., Vignais, N., Vuillerme, N. Balance control during stance - a comparison between horseback riding athletes and non-athletes. PLoS ONE 14(2): e0211834.

MacIntosh, A., Vignais, N., Biddiss, E., Musielak, A., Desailly, E. MyoDashy: Building a game to practice therapeutic hand gestures. European Academy of Childhood Disability conference. Paris, 23-25 of May, 2019.

Treussart, B., Geffard, F., Vignais, N., Marin, F.  Controlling an upper-limb exoskeleton by EMG signal while carrying unknown load. Journée FéDeV 2019, CEA-LIST, 19th of Nov., 2019.



Bastide, S., Vignais, N., Geffard, F., Berret, B. Interacting with a "transparent" upper-limb exoskeleton: a human motor control approach. In 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (pp. 4661-4666). Madrid, 1-5 of October, 2018.

Caën, N., Olivier, A., Vignais, N. Innovation méthodologique en ergonomie physique pour la prévention des TMS : deux cas d'application au métier de sellier. Ergo'IA 2018. Biarritz, France, 3-5 of October, 2018.

Roger, M., Vignais, N., Ranger, F., Sagot, J.-C. Physical Ergonomic Testing for the Design of an Innovative Mail Delivery Vehicle: a Physical Mock-Up Case-Study. Journal of Ergonomics, vol. 7: 228, 2018. Doi: 10.4172/2165-7556.1000228

MacIntosh, A., Lam, E., Vigneron, V., Vignais, N., Biddiss, E. Biofeedback interventions for individuals with cerebral palsy: a systematic review. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1-23.

MacIntosh, A., Vignais, N., Biddiss, E., Vigneron, V. Reach and grasp motion recognition for virtual rehabilitation of youth with cerebral palsy: a random forest classification procedure to improve intervention efficacy. World Congress of Biomechanics. Dublin, Ireland, 8-12th of July, 2018.

Vignais, N., MacIntosh, A., Biddiss, E., Vigneron, V. Exploring the use of circular statistics to describe hand movements. World Congress of Biomechanics. Dublin, Ireland, 8-12th of July, 2018.

MacIntosh, A., Vignais, N., Biddiss, E., Vigneron, V., Desailly, E. Building interactive computer play games with youth with Cerebral Palsy: Improving practice efficacy through biofeedback and user-centered design. International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress. Paris, France, 8-12th of July, 2018.

MacIntosh, A., Vignais, N., Biddiss, E., Vigneron, V., Desailly, E. Biofeedback intervention effects for people with Cerebral Palsy: insights from a systematic review. International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress. Paris, France, 8-12th of July, 2018.

Bastide, S., Vignais, N., Geffard, F., Berret, B. Interaction avec un exosquelette « transparent » : Une approche issue du contrôle moteur humain. Journée FéDeV 2018, CentraleSupélec, 20th of Nov., 2018.



Bastide, S., Vignais, N., Geffard, F., Berret, B. Adaptation de l'homme à l'interaction avec un exosquelette : une approche issue du contrôle moteur. Journée Exosquelettes - GT1 "Robotique et Santé", organisée par le GDR STIC-Santé, Paris, 30th of Nov., 2017.

MacIntosh, A.R., Hoskin, E., Biddiss, E., Vignais, N., Vigneron, V. Recognizing hand movements for serious games using low-cost electromyography to improve hand function of youth with cerebral palsy. Journée FéDeV 2017, Vélizy, 9th of Nov., 2017.

Bastide, S., Vignais, N., Geffard, F., Berret, B. Analysis of human-exoskeleton interactions: an elbow flexion/extension case study. Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering, vol. 20(sup1), 9-10. Paper considered for publication after the French Society of Biomechanics. Reims, France, 2-3 of Nov., 2017.

Vignais, N., Greco, B., Mazzon, F., Bastide, S., Berret, B., Geffard, F. The effect of wearing an upper-limb exoskeleton on load carrying and reaching. European Society of Biomechanics. Sevilla, Spain, 2-5th of July, 2017.

Vignais, N., Bernard, F., Touvenot, G., Sagot, J.-C. Physical risk factors identification based on body sensor network combined to videotaping. Applied Ergonomics, vol. 75, 410-417, 2017.

MacIntosh, A.R., Vignais, N., Biddiss, E. Biofeedback interventions for people with cerebral palsy: a systematic review protocol. Systematic Reviews, 6:3, 2017. DOI 10.1186/s13643-017-0405-y 



Vignais, N., Roger, M., Maysse, J., Sagot, J.-C. Ergonomic analysis of egress/ingress postures for vehicle design: Digital prototype vs. Physical mock-up. IEA-Digital Human Modeling 2016. Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 15-17th of June, 2016.

Vignais, N., Weresch, J., Keir, P.J. Posture and loading in the pathomechanics of carpal tunnel syndrome: a review. Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 44(5), 397-410, 2016.



Vignais, N., Kulpa, R., Brault, S., Presse, D., Bideau, B. Which technology to investigate visual perception in sport: video vs. virtual reality. Human Movement Science, vol. 39, 12-26, 2015.



Vignais, N., Marin, F. Analysis of the musculoskeletal system of the hand and forearm during a cylinder grasping task. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, vol. 44(4), 535-543, 2014.

MacIntosh, A.R., Vignais, N., Cocchiarella, D.M., Kociolek, A.M. et Keir, P.J. The influence of muscle action on joint loading during dynamic finger pressing tasks in an open-source modelling environment. International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation, vol.4(3/4), 162-176, 2014.

MacIntosh, A., Vignais, N., Cocchiarella, D., Kociolek, A., Keir, P. J. Modelling the index finger : a comparison of computational methods to assess joint loading with submaximal dynamic tasks. Ontario Biomechanics Conference 2014. Barrie, ON, Canada, 14-16th of March, 2014.



Vignais, N., Cocchiarella, D., Kociolek, A. et Keir, P. Dynamical assessment of finger joint loads using kinetic and kinematic measurements. IEA-Digital Human Modeling 2013. Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 11-13th of June, 2013.

Keir, P., Inman, J., Vignais, N. et Weresch, J. A model to predict carpal tunnel syndrome risk in the workplace. IEA-Digital Human Modeling 2013. Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 11-13th of June, 2013.

Vignais, N., Miezal, M., Bleser, G., Mura, K., Gorecky, D. et Marin, F. Innovative system for real-time ergonomic feedback in industrial manufacturing. Applied Ergonomics, vol. 44(4), 566-574, 2013.

Bleser, G., Almeida, L., Behera, A., Calway, A., Cohn, A., Damen, D., Domingues, H., Gee, A., Gorecky, D., Hogg, D., Kraly, M., Maçães, G., Marin, F., Mayol-Cuevas, W., Miezal, M., Mura, K., Petersen, N., Vignais, N., Santos, L. P., Spaas, G., Stricker, D. Cognitive Workflow Capturing and Rendering with On- Body Sensor Networks (COGNITO). German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, DFKI Research Reports, vol. 13, 2013.



Rouzel, E., Daoudi, L., Paucton, M., Farges, G., Fradet, L., Vignais, N., Rezgui, T. et Marin, F. Démarche qualité en laboratoire de recherche biomédicale : application pour l’analyse quantifiée de la marche (AQM). IRBM news, vol 33(4), 86-89, 2012.

Vignais, N. et Marin, F. Validation and calibration processes of a musculoskeletal model of the hand and forearm. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2012. Berlin, Germany, 11-14th of April, 2012.

Vignais, N. et Marin, F. Computer-aided ergonomics: automated implementation of the RULA tool for movement analysis. French Society of Movement Analysis for Children and Adults 2012. Nice, France, 11-13th of January, 2012.



Bideau, B., Vignais, N., Kulpa R., Craig C. et Delamarche P. Do the Kinematic of the Throwing Action in Handball Influence Goalkeeper’s Judgement? EHF 2011 Science and Analytical Expertise in Handball, Vienna, Austria, 18-19 nov. 2011.

Vignais, N. et Marin, F. Modeling the musculoskeletal system of the hand and forearm for ergonomic applications. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, vol. 14(1) 75-76. Paper considered for publication after the 36th Congress of the French Society of Biomechanics. Besançon, France, 31st of Aug.-2nd of Sept., 2011.

Vignais, N. et Marin, F. A musculoskeletal model of the hand for biomechanical and ergonomic analyses of manual tasks. IEA-Digital Human Modeling 2011. Lyon, France, 14-16th of June, 2011.

Vignais, N. et Marin, F. Musculoskeletal model of the hand and forearm: from motion capture to biomechanical modeling. Euromech511 Colloquium. Ponta Delgada, the Azores, Portugal, 9-12th of March, 2011.

Vignais, N., Kulpa, R., Presse, D. et Bideau, B. Comparative study of analysis methodologies for handball goalkeeping: videography or virtual environments? ACAPS. Rennes, France, 24-26th of Oct., 2011.



Marin, F., Durand, S. et Vignais, N. Biomechanical and musculoskeletal modelling of the hand. Chirurgie de la Main, vol. 29(6) 401. Paper considered for publication after the GEM SFCM 2010. Paris, France, 16-18th of Dec., 2010.

Vignais, N. Virtual environments and Sport - Conception of a new methodology to analyze visual information uptake during handball goalkeeping. Universitary European Editions, 164 pages.

Vignais, N., Kulpa, R., Craig, C. & Bideau, B. Virtual thrower vs. real goalkeeper: influence of different visual conditions on performance. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environements, RAVE special issue, vol 19(4), 2010, pp. 281-290. Paper considered for publication after the 3rd workshop on Real Actions, Virtual Environments (RAVE), Barcelona, Spain.

Vignais, N., Badier, E., Marin, A. & Bideau, A. In situ evaluation of the cushioning characteristics of different sport shoe midsoles. Proceedings of Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (CMBBE), Valencia, Spain, 2010.

Vignais, N., Kulpa, R., Craig, C., Brault, S., Multon, F. & Bideau, B. Influence of the graphical levels of detail of a virtual thrower on the perception of the movement. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environements., vol 19(3), 2010, pp. 243-252.

Bideau, B., Kulpa, R., Vignais, N., Brault, S., Multon, F. & Craig, C. Using Virtual Reality to Analyze Sports Performance. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (CGA), vol. 30(2), 2010, pp. 14-21.



Vignais, N., Kulpa, R., Multon, F. & Bideau, B. La prise d’informations visuelles du gardien de but de handball : analyse d’une situation en environnement virtuel. Proceedings of Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives (ACAPS), Lyon, France, 2009.

Vignais, N., Bideau, B., Craig, C., Brault, S., Multon, F. & Kulpa, R. Virtual Environments for Sport Analysis: Perception-Action Coupling in Handball Goalkeeping. International Journal of Virtual Reality, vol 8(4), 2009, pp. 43-48. Paper considered for publication after the Virtual Reality International Conferences (VRIC) of Laval Virtual 2009, Laval, France. PDF

Vignais, N., Bideau, B., Kulpa, R., Craig, C., Brault, S. & Multon, F. Handball goalkeeping and the analysis of the perception-action coupling in virtual environment. Proceedings of the Virtual Reality and Graphical Interaction (VRGI), Rennes, 2009.

Vignais, N., Bideau, B., Craig, C., Brault, S., Multon, F., Delamarche, P. & Kulpa, R. Does the level of graphical detail of a virtual handball thrower influence a goalkeeper's motor response? Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, vol 8(4), 2009, pp. 501-508. PDF

Nicolas, G., Bideau, B., Kulpa, R., Rué, O., Billien, M., Vignais, N. & Delamarche, P. Biomechanical evaluation for the identification of free kick determinants in soccer. Proceedings of European Workshop On Movement Science (EWOMS), Lisbon, Portugal, 2009.

Bideau, B., Kulpa, R., Vignais, N., Brault, S. & Craig, C. Virtual Reality to investigate sport performance. Proceedings of European Workshop On Movement Science (EWOMS), Lisbon, Portugal, 2009.



Vignais, N., Kulpa, R., Craig, C., Brault, S., Bilavarn, J., Multon, F. & Bideau, B. Influence du niveau de détails d'un mouvement de tir virtuel sur la perception des gardiens de but de handball. Proceedings of the 2nd workshop of the Association Française de Réalité Virtuelle (AFRV), Marseille, 2007.



Vignais, N., Bideau, B., Craig, C., Multon, F., Kulpa, R. & Bootsma, R. Évaluation de la perception du gardien de handball : mise en place d'un cadre de travail en environnement virtuel. Proceedings of the 1st workshop of the Association Française de Réalité Virtuelle (AFRV), Paris, 2006.



Bideau, B., Multon, F., Vignais, N., Kulpa, R., Bilavarn, J. Réalité virtuelle pour l’étude du duel gardien-tireur. Proceedings of the Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives (ACAPS), Paris, France, 2005.