
Team members

Arnaud Vandaele (Associate Professor)
Giovanni Barbarino (Postdocoral researcher)
Subhayan Saha (Postdocoral researcher)
Olivier Vu Thanh (Doctoral researcher)
Christos Kolomvakis (Doctoral researcher)
Atharva Awari (Doctoral researcher)
Timothy Baeckelant (Doctoral researcher)
Florian Dubois (Doctoral researcher)
Giovanni Seraghiti (Doctoral researcher)

Former members

Punit Sharma (Associate Professor, IIT Delhi)
Jérémy Cohen (CNRS researcher)
Junjun Pan (Research Assistant Professor, Hong Kong Baptist U.)
Christophe Kervazo (Assistant Professor, Télécom Paris)
Andersen M.S. Ang (Assistant Professor, U. of Southampton) [thesis]
Valentin Leplat (Postdoctoral researcher, Skolkovo) [thesis]
Timothy Marrinan (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - PNNL, Seattle)
Nicolas² Nadisic (Assistant Professor, UGent & KIK-IRPA) [thesis]
Maryam Abdolali (Assistant Professor, K.N. Toosi U. of Technology)
Pierre De Handschutter (CETIC & Lecturer, UMons) [thesis]
Le Hien (Acapela Group, Deep Learning R&D)

2023 - At the COLORAMAP retreat. From left to right: Atharva, Olivier, Christos, Thomas (visiting MSc student), Pierre, Timothy, Nicolas², Arnaud, Giovanni and Nicolas. 

2022 - At the COLORAMAP international dinner. From left to right: Christos, Maryam, Neelam and Punit (visitors), Pierre, Nicolas, Arnaud, Olivier, Dorian (MSc student), Nicolas². 

2021 - At the COLORAMAP retreat. From left to right: Arnaud, Fabian, Pierre, Tim, Flavia (screen), Christophe, Hien, Olivier, Jérémy, Andersen (screen), Valentin, Nicolas & Nicolas². 

2020 - From left to right: Andersen, Nicolas, Nicolas², Christophe, Pierre, Hien, Arnaud, Valentin, Maryam, Tim, Junjun, and François. 

2019 - From left to right: Tim, Andersen, Nicolas, Pierre, Arnaud, Hien, Valentin, Anthony, Nicolas², and Junjun. 

2018 - From left to right: Andersen, Nicolas, Maryam, Flavia, Jérémy, Valentin, Arnaud, and Punit.