Nicolas Cherroret

Welcome! I am a CNRS researcher in theroretical physics, currently leading the "Quantum Theory, Atoms and Fields"  group at Laboratoire Kastler Brossel in Paris.

 If you are interested in our work or wish to join us, please feel free to contact me.

nicolas.cherroret at

Recent news

A surprising quantum-mechanical phenomenon that we have theoretically predicted, the 'quantum boomerang', has just been observed experimentally! This has been mediatized by broad-audience articles on sciencenews  and theconversation

Research interests

Non-equilibrium dynamics of quantum fluids - The many-body physics of quantum gases in out-of-equilibrium states is a fundamental theoretical challenge, at the crossroads of quantum and statistical physics. I investigate the thermalization dynamics of interacting quantum fluids, with special interest in 2D/3D systems.

Dynamics of quantum gases in random potentials - With the recent progresses in atom optics, it is now possible to experimentally explore the behavior of cold atomic gases in optical potentials in a highly controlled manner. In this context, I study salient manifestations of interference in the dynamics quantum gases in random potentials such as Anderson localization.

Theory of optical fluids - In dielectrics, paraxial photons are described by an effective Shrödinger equation and thus effectively behave as matter waves. This analogy makes it possible to realize optical analogues of  phenomena traditionally observed in quantum systems, like optical superfluidity, Bose condensation of light in Kerr media, and even spin-orbit interactions of light.

Light scattering in atomic vapors - Properties of light waves  in atomic vapors differ from those of disordered matter waves. For instance, the different dispersion relation of photons can lead to a drastic reduction of the transport velocity due to resonant scattering. The competition between dipole-dipole coupling and disorder also complicates the physics of localization phenomena, in particular at finite temperature.

Short Vita

Since 2018         Habilitation à diriger des recherches
  Director of the CNRS GDR Complexe

Since 2013         CNRS researcher (CR)

2009 - 2012       Postdoc (Universität Freiburg, Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation)   

2012 - 2013       Postdoc (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel

2005 - 2009        PhD in theoretical physics (LPMMC, UJF), Master in condensed matter physics (Université Joseph Fourier)

2006 - 2009        Engineering graduate school (Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble)