
Nicholas C. Soderstrom, Ph.D.

Cognitive Psychologist - Learning Scientist - Educator

Email: nicholas.soderstrom@montana.edu - Twitter: @NickSoderstrom - LinkedIn page HERE

Welcome! I'm a cognitive psychologist, learning scientist, and faculty member in the Department of Psychology at Montana State University

Originally from Bozeman, MT, I moved to Seattle, WA, after high school and then on to Bellingham, WA, where I received my B.A. in Psychology at Western Washington University. From there, I moved to Fort Collins, CO, where I graduated from Colorado State University with a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology. While at CSU, I had the privilege to be mentored by the late Dr. David McCabe and then by Dr. Matthew Rhodes. After graduate school, I completed a post-doctoral research fellowship at UCLA with Drs. Robert and Elizabeth Bjork, who head the Bjork Learning & Forgetting Lab. I then served as an assistant professor of psychology at Dickinson College for two years.  

Feel free to contact me for more information!