
Formation professionnelle

Les principes de l'épargne salariale et de retraite

Epargne salariale, actionnariat salarié et rémunération: approfondissement RH

Epargne salariale, actionnariat salarié et gestion de patrimoine: approfondissement finance

Formation diplômante

IAE Aix-Marseille

Epargne entreprise, intéressement et participation (MSc1 Managment)

Financial analysis / Diagnostic financier (MSc1 Management & Msc Management général)

Introduction à la finance (MSc1 Managment)

Kedge business school Master 2 Finance:

Impact des investissements et mesure de performance extrafinancière (PGE)

Université des Lagunes:

Financial analysis (Master 1)

Théories financières (Master 1)

Teaching disciplines (since 2003) at Aix-Marseille and Toulon Univ, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Ecole Centrale Marseille, Edhec, Inseec

Finance: sustainable finance, introduction to portfolio management, behavioral finance, financial management and accounting, capital budgeting, management control, financial mathematics

Research methods: structuring the presentation of the literature review, survey methods and data analysis

Economics: Microeconomics, political economy, history of economic thought, theory of the firm