A Dozen times Pope Francis has Openly Promoted a One World Religion and a New World Order 


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Estados Unidos produce aviones. Alemania produce automóviles. Grecia produce santos y tumores cerebrales... TUMOR CEREBRAL, SIN HOGAR, en Atenas, GRECIA, por favor haga una pequeña donación, mi tumor cerebral está creciendo, para obtener más información sobre mí, visite mi página web MÉDICA ...



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On Sunday, Pope Francis told hundreds of thousands of young people gathered for World Youth Day in Poland that they need to,

"believe in a new humanity" and that they should refuse "to see borders as barriers".

Every two or three years, Catholics from all over the planet converge for one of these giant conferences, and as you will see below the Pope has not been shy about using historic occasions to promote his agenda.


Unfortunately, it has become exceedingly clear that his agenda includes moving humanity toward a One World Religion and a New World Order.


Of course Pope Francis is not going to use those exact phrases, but at this point it is very obvious what he is trying to do. If you don't believe me now, perhaps you will see things differently after you have viewed the evidence that I have compiled in the rest of this article.


Let's start with what the Pope had to say at the World Youth Day conference on Sunday

"People may judge you to be dreamers, because you believe in a new humanity, one that rejects hatred between peoples, one that refuses to see borders as barriers and can cherish its own traditions without being self-centered or small-minded," Francis told his flock.

By itself, this statement is not that dramatic...


But when you put it into the context of everything else Pope Francis has done and said over the past couple of years, a clear pattern begins to emerge…



Pope Francis' prayer intentions for January 2016

The Vatican - Archive

Jan 6, 2016

The Pope Video is a global initiative developed by the Pope World Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer) to assist in the dissemination of monthly intentions of the Holy Father related to the challenges facing humanity.




After watching that video, nobody can deny that the Vatican is openly promoting a one world religion.



I would like to express two sentiments for my Muslim brothers and sisters: Firstly, my greetings as they celebrate the feast of sacrifice. I would have wished my greeting to be warmer.


My sentiments of closeness, my sentiments of closeness in the face of tragedy. The tragedy that they suffered in Mecca.


In this moment, I give assurances of my prayers. I unite myself with you all. A prayer to almighty god, all merciful.


"a new global political authority" that would have the resources necessary "to deal with the world's economic problems and injustices".


Can you see the pattern..?


Pope Francis is all about bringing people 'together.' He wants to bring nations together, and he wants to bring religions together.


But in the end, what is the purpose for all of this unity?

An increasing number of "fundamentalist" Christians are concerned that Pope Francis is setting the stage for a One World Religion and a New World Order.


Merging all of the countries of the world into a 'giant superstate' and merging all of the religions of the world into a 'single faith' may sound like a good idea to many, but the truth is that it would just result in a level of tyranny that most people would not even dare to imagine.


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