2018 Event List & Schedule

Division B Events

Anatomy and Physiology          Hovercraft

Crime Busters                         Potions & Poisons

Dynamic Planet                       Rocks & Minerals (official list here)

Fast Facts                              Solar System

Herpetology                            Towers

     Added 11/7: Disease Detectives, Microbe Mission

Division C Events

Anatomy and Physiology         Helicopters  **(Racquetball court - Room Dimensions: 20’1” x 40’1” x 19’11 7/8”)***

Astronomy                             Herpetology (official list here)

Chemistry Lab                        Hovercraft

Disease Detectives                 Microbe Mission

Dynamic Planet                      Mouse Trap Vehicle

Ecology                                 Mission Possible

Experimental Design               Remote Sensing

Fermi Questions                     Rocks & Minerals (official list here)

Forensics                               Towers

Game On                                Write It Do It

     Added 11/7:  Thermodynamics, Optics

The most updated version of our schedules can be found below.