
(1) Autumn 2020 and Spring 2021

Li18: Computational Linguistics

Friday 14:00 to 15:00 based on Jurafsky and Martin's Speech and Language Processing [2nd and 3rd editions]

I am running a pilot course on Jupyter Notebooks: an Introduction to Python for Computational Linguists run on Microsoft Azure. Many thanks for design and coding contributions by several LTL graduate students and postdocs including: Marco Basaldella, Qianchu (Flora) Liu, Yi Zhu, Edoardo Ponti and Costanza Conforti.

(2) Linguistics Tripos Part IIB Dissertation projects

I am happy to supervise dissertation projects on NLP topics that overlap with my interests. Please take a look at my publications and make contact early (ideally in July) to discuss ideas.

(3) Murray Edwards College

I am a Fellow and graduate tutor at Murray Edwards.