New Postdocs

JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows

The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) runs an excellent scheme for inviting international researchers to come and work at Japanese universities and research institutes for 12 to 24 months. In previous years up to 400 JSPS fellowships have been available under a competitive scheme that covers most fields of research. The fellowships have offered quite generous terms that include monthly salary, round trip air ticket, housing subsidy, settling in allowance, accident and sickness coverage, local travel grant, and a grant in aid for research expenses. For conditions, application deadlines and up-to-date details please see here. Deadlines are normally twice a year, in April and August, although this will vary depending on whether you apply directly through the host institute or a nominating authority.

I am keen to host JSPS Postdoctoral Fellows to work at the National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Tokyo who have an interest in human language technologies. Topics include:

    • text mining, sentiment analysis, named entity resolution, coreference resolution, event extraction, summarization, domain modeling and related areas; I'm interested in a variety of text types including scientific abstracts/articles, user generated content such as Twitter etc.
    • natural language processing for special domains such as biology and medicine as well as finance;
    • ontology induction from natural language texts;
    • rhetorical zone analysis;

If your interest is not included in the list above but you think it may be related then please also feel free to contact me.

If you would like to apply for the JSPS fellowship working with my group at NII, in the first instance please contact me as soon as possible to discuss the application and a research plan.

Deadlines for applications: This year the application deadlines inside NII are August 12th (starting between April and September 2012) and April 13th (starting between September and November 2012). Please check the JSPS web site for precise dates. For applications through a host-nominating authority in certain countries please see the details at JSPS.

For further information on life in Japan there are a number of sources of information available. The best place to start is on the JSPS web site which includes comments from the JSPS Alumni association, and an FAQ Although aimed at international students some quite useful sources of information on living in Japan can be found at Sokendai's Guide Book., The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in various languages), JASSO, and JPSS.