The vision of the N. H. College Economics Department is that our Economics graduate student are successful in wide range of career paths and have the ability to adapt there skill to jobs that have yet to be created. We also envision that our focus on student faculty research using mixer of traditional, pedagogical techniques inform by on going educational. Research will create a model for Economics education that is nationally recognized in both ------------- and professional circles.


1) 1. To motivate the students for higher studies & research in area of Economics.

2) We are dedicated to teaching and learning Economics in a collaborative, performance based community. We encourage observation and analysis of the natural words and we seek to provide the tools and skill for advancing our knowledge of the universe and providing solutions to challenges. We face as individual, communities and society.

3) 2. To promote in campus Economics literacy activities.

4) 3. To ensure all round development of a student.

5) 4. To train the students for self dependence

6) 5. To train the student for self employment