Refereed Journal Articles

  1. Chu Cong Minh, Nguyen Xuan Long, Ton That Tu, Nathan Huynh (2019) "Assessment of Motorcycle Ownership, Use, and Potential Changes due to Transportation Policies in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam", Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, Volume 145 Issue 12.

  2. Yasuo Asakura, Takahiko Kusakabe, Long Xuan Nguyen, Takamasa Ushiki (2017) "Incident detection methods using probe vehicles with on-board GPS equipment", Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, August 2017, Vol 8, 330-341.

  3. Shinya HANAOKA, Long Xuan NGUYEN, Kumiko NAKAMICHI, Van Hung CHU (2017), "Clarification of the Structure of Rice Supply Chain and Transport Mode Choice in Vietnam", Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol 12, 146-157.

  4. Kawasaki, T., Hanaoka, S. and Nguyen, L. X. (2015) "Inland cargo flow modelling considering shipment time variability on cross-border transport", Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol.38, No.6, pp.664-683.

  5. Kawasaki, T., Hanaoka, S. and Nguyen, L. X. (2014) "The valuation of shipment time variability in Greater Mekong Subregion", Transport Policy, Vol. 32, pp. 25-33.

  6. Nguyen, L. X., Hanaoka, S. and Kawasaki, T. (2014) "Traffic conflict assessment for non-lane-based movements of motorcycles under congested conditions", IATSS Research, Vol. 37, No. 2, Pages 137–147.

  7. Kawasaki, T., Hanaoka, S. and Nguyen, L. X. (2013) “The effect of past experiences on the estimation of the expected shipment times on highly variable routes: A case study in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic”, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, Vol.16, No.1, pp.1-13.

  8. Nguyen, L. X., Hanaoka, S. and Kawasaki, T. (2012) “Describing non-lane-based motorcycle movements in motorcycle-only traffic flow”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No.2281, pp.76-82.

  9. Akamatsu, T., Sato, S. and Nguyen, L. X. (2006) “Tradable Time-of-Day Bottleneck Permits for Morning Commuters”, JSCE Journal of Infrastructure Planning and Management, Vol.62, No.4.,pp. 605-620 (in Japanese).

Refereed Journal Articles in Vietnamese (Tạp chí trong nước)

  1. Nguyễn Xuân Long, Nguyễn Minh Tín, Trần Đức Nhiên, Mô hình mô phỏng phục vụ quan trắc dòng xe sử dụng kỹ thuật Probe, Tạp chí Giao Thông Vận Tải, 6, 99-103, 2017.

  2. Lê Ngọc Phước, Nguyễn Xuân Long, Nghiên cứu đề xuất phương án lựa chọn đầu tư nâng cấp cải tạo các tuyến đường bộ tại TP. Hồ Chí Minh, Tạp chí Giao Thông Vận Tải, 12, 64-68, 2016.

  3. Nguyễn Minh Tín, Nguyễn Xuân Long, Phân tích sở hữu xe máy hộ gia đình tại TP. Hồ Chí Minh, Tạp chí Giao Thông Vận Tải, 12, 139-142, 2016.


  5. Nguyễn Xuân Long, Kỹ thuật Probe để quan trắc dòng xe ở Việt Nam, Tạp chí Xây Dựng, 8, 150-154, 2015.

Refereed Conference Full Papers

  1. Nguyen, L. X., Nguyen, T. M. (2017) "Analysis of Motorcycle Ownership: A Case Study in Ho Chi Minh City",

    1. Proceedings of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Ho Chi Minh City.

  2. Nguyen, L. X., Seo, T., Tan, V.H., Kusakabe, T. and Asakura Y. (2014) "Mixed flow observation using video cameras on probe vehicles: a case study in Ho Chi Minh City", the 19th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong.

  3. Nguyen, L. X., Ushiki, T. and Asakura Y. (2013) "Analysis on the congestion propagation effects influenced by traffic incident using microscopic simulation", the 18th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong.

  4. Nguyen, L. X. and Hanaoka, S. (2013) “Safety Spaces for Overtaking Movements in Motorcycle Traffic Flow”, Proceedings of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Taipei.

  5. Nguyen, L. X., Hanaoka, S. and Kawasaki, T. (2012) “An approach to describing non-lane-based motorcycle movements in motorcycle-only traffic flow”, Transportation Research Board (TRB), 91st Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

    1. Nguyen, L. X. and Hanaoka, S. (2011) “An application of social force approach for motorcycle dynamics”, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.8, Jeju.

Conference Proceedings

  1. Ushiki, T., Kusakabe T., Nguyen, L. X. and Asakura Y. (2013) "Probe based incident detection using differential of bottleneck capacity", Proceedings of Infrastructure Planning, No.48 (in Japanese).

  2. Nguyen, L. X., and Hanaoka, S. (2012) “A microscopic simulation model for motorcycle traffic safety assessment in Vietnam”, Proceedings of Infrastructure Planning, No.45.

  3. Nguyen, L. X., Hanaoka, S. and Kawasaki, T. (2011) “An application of social force approach for describing non-lane based movements in mixed flow traffic”, Proceedings of Infrastructure Planning, No.43.

  4. Nguyen, L. X. and Hanaoka, S. (2010) “An application of social force approach to the description of the mixed traffic flow”, Proceedings of Infrastructure Planning, No.42.

  5. Nguyen, L.X. and Hanaoka S. (2010) “A microscopic model for simulating the mixed traffic flow”, Proceedings of 2nd Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop in Tokyo Tech 2010, Tokyo, Japan.

  6. Akamatsu, T., Sato, S. and Nguyen, L. X. (2005) “Tradable Time-of-Day Bottleneck Permits for Morning Commuters” Proceedings of Infrastructure Planning, No.129 (in Japanese).

Ph.D. Dissertation

A concept of safety space for describing non-lan-based movements of motorcycles (2012)