
22. Abelian varieties with everywhere good reduction over certain real quadratic fields with small discriminant, preprint pdf.

21. On rational Bianchi newforms and abelian surfaces with quaternionic multiplication, with John Cremona, Ariel Pacetti, Ciaran Schembri, and John Voight, accepted Simons Symp. arXiv:1907.12103

20. Special hypergeometric motives and their L-functions: Asai recognition, with Alexei Panchishkin, John Voight, and Wadim Zudilin, Experimental Mathematics, DOI: 10.1080/10586458.2020.1737990. arXiv:1906.07384

19. An intriguing hyperelliptic Shimura curve quotient of genus 16, Algebra Number Theory 14 (2020), no. 10, 2713-2742.. arXiv:1906.06772

18. On the existence of abelian surfaces with everywhere good reduction, submitted. arXiv:1903.10394

17. An image of inertia argument for abelian surfaces and Fermat equations of signature (13,13,n), with Nicolas Billerey, Iimin Chen, Luis Dieulefait, and Nuno Freitas, submitted. arXiv:1802.04330

16. On the compatibility between base change and Hecke orbits of Hilbert newforms, submitted. arXiv:1711.05181

15. Lifts of Hilbert modular forms and application to modularity of abelian varieties, with Clifton Cunningham, submitted. arXiv:1705.03054

14. Non-paritious Hilbert modular forms, with David Loeffler, and Ariel Pacetti, Math. Zeit. 292 (2019), no. 1, 361–385. arXiv:1612.06625

13. Serre weights and wild ramification in two-dimensional Galois representations, with Fred Diamond and David P. Roberts, Forum of Mathematics, Sigma (2016), Vol. 4, e33, 49 pages. arXiv:1603.07708

12. Examples of abelian surfaces with everywhere good reduction, with Abhinav Kumar. Math. Ann. 364 (2016), no. 3-4, 1365-1392. arXiv:1309.3821

11. Theta Lifts of Bianchi Modular Forms and Applications to Paramodularity, with Tobias Berger, Ariel Pacetti, and Mehmet Haluk Sengun. J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2) 92 (2015), no. 2, 353-370. arXiv:1404.5142

10. On the computation of algebraic modular forms on compact inner forms of $GSp_4$. Math. Comp. 83 (2014), no. 288, 1931-1950. arXiv:0912.1145

9. Appendix to "Sur un problème de compatibilité local-global modulo $p$ pour $GL_2$" by Christophe Breuil. J. Reine Angew. Math. 692, 2014, 1-79.

8. Explicit methods for Hilbert modular forms, with John Voight. Elliptic curves, Hilbert modular forms and Galois deformations, Advanced Courses in Mathematics, CRM Barcelona, Birkhäuser, 2013, 56p. arXiv:1010.5727

7. Nonsolvable number fields ramified only at 3 and 5, with Matthew Greenberg, John Voight. Compos. Math. 147 (2011), no. 3, 716-734. arXiv:0906.4374

6. A non-solvable Galois extension of $\Q$ ramified at $2$ only (with a supplement by Jean-Pierre Serre), C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 347 (2009), no. 3-4, 111-116. arXiv:0811.4379

5. Computing Hilbert-Siegel modular forms of genus 2 over $\Q(\sqrt{5})$ via the Jacquet-Langlands correspondence, with Clifton Cunningham. Experiment. Math. 18, no 3, 337-345 (2009). arXiv:0704.0011

4. Computing Hilbert modular forms for fields with non-trivial class group, with Stephen Donnelly. Algorithmic number theory VIII, 371-386, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 5011, Springer, Berlin, 2008. arXiv:0711.3863

3. An algorithm for modular elliptic curves over real quadratic fields. Experiment. Math. 17 (2008), no. 4, 427-438.

2. Quaternionic $M$-symbols, Brandt matrices, and Hilbert modular forms, Mathematics of Computations, Vol. 76, No 258 (2007), 1039-1057.

1. Explicit computations of Hilbert modular forms on $\mathbf{Q}(\sqrt{5})$. Experiment. Math. 14, No 4, pp 457-466 (2005).