Fusion Energy

Fusion is the energy source of the universe, it is the process that powers the sun and the stars. In a fusion reaction, the nuclei of two light atoms fuse together to form heavier ones, releasing large amounts of energy. Scientists from all over the world develop fusion power on earth, as it offers the prospect of a long-term, safe, environmentally benign energy option to meet the energy needs of a growing world population.

How does fusion work? What is a plasma? How can fusion be made to work on earth? The basics of fusion power. Read more >>

Fusion offers large-scale, CO2-free, and safe power, with widely available and practically inexhaustible fuel resources. Read more >>

How does a future electricity generating fusion power plant work? How much fuel does it consume? Does it produce waste? Read more >>

For any energy source, the most important issues are safety and the impact on the environment. Fusion is inherently safe and does not produce greenhouse gases. Read more >>

About one hundred years ago, mankind discovered how the sun shines. Fusion experiments on earth have progressed from hand-sized experiments in the 60ies, to the industrial size machines of today. Read more >>

The world population will grow from 6 billion now to about 9 billion fifty years from now. It is a major challenge to provide all these people with affordable, clean and safe energy sources. Read more >>