2013 11th EAGT

The heART of connecting co-creating individuals and communities

September 20-22, Krakow, Poland

European Association for Gestalttherapy from Different Skills and Developments to Lost in Transformation

May 5th, 1985 – May 5th, 2010

25 years of European collaboration

Due to our 25th anniversary we’ve made a beautiful jubilee book which you van buy and below just a brief description of what you can expect:

- an Introduction;

- a preface;

- the history of the EAGT;

- several interviews;

- many photos of several held tri-annual conferences and writers conference ;

- last but not least our mission.

This book can be bought for € 20,=. The profit made on this book will go to our Human Rights & Social Responsibility (HR&SR) Committee. For that reason we recommend you to buy the book to support the HR&SR committee in their good work!!

As soon as we have received you payment (via PayPal or bank transfer) we will send the book to you by snail mail, do not forget to give us your complete address!

Subscribe and pre-pay now!

For more information you can contact eagtoffice@planet.nl

Il 28 marzo scorso, il Presidente dell'EAGT Peter Schulthess lascia la propria carica per gravi motivi di salute che hanno colpito la propria moglie. Si aprono le candidature per il successore. Di seguito la lettera di presentazione della propria candidatura del nostro Gianni Francesetti, cui va il più sincero in bocca al lupo.

Application for becoming EAGT president

Dear EAGT members,

With a lot of emotion and a bit of trepidation I have chosen to propose my candidacy as president of our organisation. I would like to say something about my background, motivation and vision.

I started my work in the EAGT as Italian representative in 2005 and I went to London for my fi rst ‘Extended Board meeting’ (the General Board was not settled yet). I was worried of not knowing anybody and of not understanding English enough. I was right, but also surprised how welcoming and supportive the atmosphere was. I am still grateful to Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb who invited me to take this role and to the other colleagues that were active at that time in the EAGT (Ken Evans, Peter Schulthess, Katia Hatzilakou, Bas Lokerse, Joppie Bakker, Guus Klaren, Dick Lompa, Harm Siemens, among others, and of course Marga Berends). Since then, I have appreciated how meaningful it can be to have a European point of reference for a Gestalt therapist and how important it is to have an international horizon and net of relationships. I have learned a lot from thousand of contacts with colleagues from all European Countries and I wouldn’t be the same person and therapist if I hadn’t met our organisation. I have seen the EAGT develop: in number of members, changes in structure, activities, conferences, contacts, committees, working groups, etc. We, together, have produced and are producing a valuable net of relationships, learning experiments, occasions for contacts, improvements of our competencies and reputation, sense of belonging to an alive and fertile community. My gratitude is one of the motivations for my candidacy and my experience in this organisation leads my vision of its development. When I became chair of the Training Standards Committee and part of the Executive Board (Belgrade, 2008), I could experience more directly this blooming life. I had the occasion (also as member of the Pool of Experts of the EAP), not only to participate in EAGT meetings, but also to travel and visit many institutes. It has been a wonderful chance to meet colleagues and cultures from diff erent countries and to improve my vision of what the international Gestalt community is and can become. Besides my roles in the EAGT, I was also the President of the Italian NOGT (2007-2011) and I am a member of the Executive Committee of the Italian NAO. In this National Association I am the treasurer and I am chairing the committee for the psychotherapist’s competencies,

a working group connected with the analogous in the EAP. I am an associate member of the New York Institute for Gestalt Th erapy, and I feel this belonging as an important background for all my activities. Another important side of my professional experience is the teaching and writing part: I am a trainer of the Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy and of the Scuola di Gestalt Torino and I teach in other institutes in Italy and abroad. I have written many papers on Gestalt therapy, especially on the topic of psychopathology and clinical practice. In this area I am co-editing a book with the title ‘Gestalt therapy in Clinical practice. From Psychopathology to the Aesthetics of Contact’ and I am the coordinator of a Two Year Training Program on these issues. I feel this background supports my decision to candidate as next EAGT president: I know this association and the connected organisations quite well and I want to commit myself in the further development of the EAGT. I think we have to continue to welcome and support those countries that are not represented yet in the General Board,

those training institutes that are willing to cooperate with us and maybe become accredited members. We have also to improve our training standards in a qualitative direction, a new deal already started with the working group on professional competencies. Another important point for Gestalt therapy is to increase the sensitivity to

research, quantitative and qualitative: this is probably one of the main future issues for any approach. I want to underline another ongoing development: the GPO movement that is enriching our association. Th is probably will imply further adjustments in the EAGT that is becoming not only the therapists’ home, but the place that supports everyone applying Gestalt Th erapy theory in different contexts. In case I am elected, my commitment is devoted to supporting these developments and to cultivating the energies that all members in different ways are bringing to the EAGT. According to our theory, I see my leadership as a way of making the leadership itself fl oat where the energy is growing in the fi eld. And, of course, this is possible only thanks to the commitment of everybody interested and involved in the life of our community. Grateful to what I have received from all of you, I hope I can express my gratitude throughout my further commitment.

Gianni Francesetti

The european writers support conference:

In these last years, other scientifically activities have been added. The European Writers Support Conference with the aim of supporting and promoting writing in Europe, where often the multitude of languages are an obstacle to the circulation of developments in theory and practice. EAGT organizers aim for participants who want support in writing. We hereby think of students, practitioners, researchers and editors of journals but colleagues who already publish are also welcome.


The EAGT Newsletter is a tool to let members know what is discussed in the General Board and in other Committees and working groups of the EAGT.


You can help us to help the Human Rights & Social Responsibility (HR&SR) committee, by donating.

Your financial contribution will allow us to realize the below mentioned projects of the HR&SR committee.

For this project we need about € 23.000,-.

Your donation is very much appreciated! http://eagt.org/collectebus.htm

Project with Peace Brigades International.

Peace Brigades International (PBI) is an international grassroots NGO that has promoted non-violence and protected human rights. The main focus of PBI is international accompaniment, for protecting human rights defenders threatened with violence because of their work, but also peace education. PBI sends international volunteers to areas of conflict, providing protective accompaniment to human rights defenders threatened by political violence, and also facilitate other peace-building initiatives. Currently PBI has volunteers in Columbia, Guatemala, Indonesian, Mexico and Guatemala ( www.peacebrigades.org ).

PBI and HR&SR Committee of the EAGT exchanged the objectives and working fields of both organisations and the services needed for PBI. PBI has developed minimum standards for providing emotional support for volunteers in the different phases of voluntary work: preparation, field work and reintegration in their own situation. EAGT and her members want to offer this emotional support in various directions.

a. Buddy training ex volunteers.

After two year field work ex volunteers have much experience in dealing with unsafe, stress and traumatic situations. They can play an important role for new volunteers in the briefing, field work and debriefing phase of the voluntary work. HR&SR Committee will develop a buddy training for ex volunteers. Basis communication skills, dealing with emotions and basic principles of counselling will be trained by EAGT Gestalt therapists. It is planned to carry out a first pilot of two day training in Switzerland in June 2010.

b. Professional emotional support.

PBI needs a network of professional volunteers that make themselves available and be willing to be contacted either e-mail or telephone while a volunteer is on a team or after they have left the team, for up to ten sessions. Currently HR&SR Committee makes a list of certificated Gestalt therapist who is willing to make themselves available. It is planned to make the list available at the beginning of 2010.

c. Team coaching in the field.

PBI volunteers work and live in the field for 24 hours a day in a team with less privacy and under stress and unsafe circumstances. External support from a professional in the mental health field is urgent in some projects of PBI (Nepal) were PBI cannot provide this. HR&SR resolved to send experienced Gestalt therapist into the field to give this support to volunteers. It is planned to bring 2 Gestalt therapists into the field in 2010 and 2011

EAGT (European Association for Gestalt Therapy) www.eagt.org

The office is run by Marga Berends (office manager)

You can contact her for information regarding all mentioned items in the menu bar.

Address office:

EAGT office

c/o Marga Berends

Noorderdiep 304

9521 BL Nieuw-Buinen

The Netherlands

Tel: +31 (0) 599 614661

Fax: +31 (0) 84 719 3196

e-mail: eagtoffice@planet.nl