Social Tennis

Weather permitting, the club runs social tennis sessions

  • Sunday from 11.00 till around 1.00

  • Wednesdays and Fridays from 6pm till dark. Fridays is also a family night when the family friendly Club bar will be open for you and your family to quench your thirsts and meet members of the other sports sections of the Club.

See our Weekday Day Time page for members who are available to play during the day on weekday days.

If you would prefer to play at different times/days join our ‘WhatsApp’ Anyone for Tennis Group which allows members to easily message anyone in the club wanting to play. To join the group text "AFT and your name" to Dave Smith on 07891 88488 or email your contact details to and he will add you to the group. Make sure you have the app on you phone in the first place.

For the the first Sunday in the month, we extend the normal social tennis session into an American doubles tournament, where everyone plays with and against different partners. There is always a wide range of standards represented and a very enjoyable event. Other social events are are arranged throughout the year. The third Sunday in the month is a family social event.

A few of our social members after the court respray