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Files you may download.

Confederate PO Mesilla Pt 1&2, PDF's of Military Postal History related to the Confederate Territory of Arizona

DatedPrecancelCompanyNames.xls, a US Dated Precancel list of company acronyms, full names and business where known.

Mesa Verde.doc, a Word doc about the Mesa Verde stamp, part of the US Nat'l Park series.

NMPF Bylaws-06-08-2012, a Word doc of our current bylaws as of 06-08-2012.

NMPF Membership Application

PrecanAlbum_TT_NM.pdf, a New Mexico Precancel Town & Type Album set of pages(9).

Precancels_Highway101, a text file list of precancel towns along Highway 101, the Pacific Coast Highway.

Precancels_I25, a text file list of precancel towns along Interstate 25.

Precancels_RT66, a text file list of precancel towns along Route 66.