Finding Job in Canada

Finding work in Canada is one of the key elements to a successful settlement. If you can line up a job before you arrive, you'll be able to integrate into the workforce quickly upon arrival, which will help you feel settled in. It'll also be one less thing to worry about once you arrive. It won't be possible for everyone, but the more you learn about work in Canada ahead of time, the more prepared you'll be when you arrive.

    • Apply for jobs online - There are thousands of available job opportunities in Canada that you can apply for online. And remember - if you secure a job offer from a Canadian employer, you may be able to fast-track your immigration application.

    • Have your documents translated - Make sure that your resume is in either English or French (depending on what the employer requests) and that you have tailored your resume, if necessary, to suit the Canadian job market. It's also a good idea to have your education and work experience documents translated into either English or French.

    • Learn about credential requirements - In order to get a job in your occupation in Canada, you may need to obtain further training and accreditation. You may also need to have your education and work experience credentials assessed so that a Canadian employer can compare your qualifications to Canadian-obtained credentials. Is your occupation regulated in the province/territory where you intend to reside? If so, you may need to register with the provincial/territorial body. Read up about credential requirements on the Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials website (

    • Before you plan to settle here, start looking for a job in your own field of expertise and based on your work experience. Decide which province would fit you and has more opportunities. There are lot of job portals through which you can upload your resume and look for jobs. Some of them are as follows. Make sure your resume is in the format what Canadian Employers are looking for. Building a good resume is the first step to get a Job.

Steps I followed

Background: I had around 8 years of IT experience in US when i started searching for a position in Canada


    • Resumes are the one which opens the gate to future employment in Canada. So make sure your resume is good and stands out among many other applicants

    • Post your Resume in all the Job Boards and keep applying for all those which you think have a good chance

    • Keep doing minor updates in your resume in the Job Boards so that it does not go bottom of the stack.

    • Apply to the jobs going to the company site directly and post your resume

    • Prepare well for the interviews

    • Take the interview in a calm place and not while travelling or anything.

    • Make sure you send follow up email thanking the interviewer

    • When you get the offer, make sure you select the best of the rest.

I followed those steps above and got multiple offers. I never had any direct face to face interviews other than skype. Good luck in your job search....There are many jobs available ...go get them...