New Berlin West Soccer Schedule

"If I have to make a tackle, I have made a mistake. Sliding tackles are mostly an act of recovery. Tackling is important, it is an art. The defending art is more about reading the play." - Paolo Maldini

Former LA Lakers head coach Frank Hamblem on Kobe Bryant:

"Kobe patterned himself after Michael [Jordan]. Kobe was very hardworking during the season and in the off-season. He didn't take practices off, wanted to win every drill. Both of them did. They both wanted to win every competition — team competition as well as individual competitions. They wanted to win them all."

Article: How much time should young players spend with the ball?

"No player will be able to instantly juggle the ball 300 times in succession without constant practice. It is the young players that keep practicing and have the belief in themselves that they can achieve a higher level of play — despite any obstacles or setbacks — who will ultimately be successful. That player may not necessarily be the best player today, they may have been told by a coach that they are too small or not aggressive enough. If they keep working on their technical ability and have the determination and passion for the game to be successful, then these types of players will be our best players in future years."

Article: Rubber-Necked Soccer Players Have the Best Field Vision

Article: How Many Touches do you get?

Article: Practice Makes Perfect, Revisited

When Lionel Messi was asked how he got so good (full article):

"First of all you've got to love the game.' How much? 'Well ... from the age of three I played every day: every morning, afternoon and night. Inside the house, too. I'd break things. My mum would go mad ..."