Wiener Neustädter Kanal Tour

Welcome to our Radltour!

September 2017

16. 09. 2017

Total distance 45 kilometers,

Total climbing up: 0 hm

# four of four



Iris, retired and tired bicyclist


Raimund, vulgo the Chefe

Margit our friend

Road bike tour Wiener Neustadt to Brunn am Gebirge

Review of the bike Tour

Total distance: 45 kilometers, Total climbing up: approx. 0 hm

By train to Wiener Neustadt.

Starting at Wiener Neustadt Hauptbahnhof.

on paved roads to Lichtenwörth, then gravel roads until Leobersdorf. Here the paved roads starts again.

We followed the Channel "Wiener Neustädter Kanal" side road.

Enjoy the picture report.

Good luck to our followers!

The route:

Passing Lichtenwörth

Historical Landmark: "The Nadelburg"

Adlertor at Nadelburg

The historical church at Nadelburg - closed this time

arriving at the channel sideway

here the best part starts - at Leobersdorf

+ 1 of four: Raimund

# 3 of four: Margit

arriving at the winery at Mödling

our award is writen on the wall...

- End of tour and report -

