Application form

Thanks very much for your interest in the INCF Short Course. Our goal is to select highly motivated and accomplished students and junior colleagues who will work very closely with world-class neuroscientists in small teams on specific problems in neuroscience using state-of-the-art web resources and informatic tools. We anticipate that you and your team will produce strong outlines of papers suitable of publication.

What is critical to the success of the Jamboree is that we team you up even before the start of the course, and define specific problems and questions that your team will tackle collaboratively. For this reason we need to know more about your interests and background. Help us make this a great experience by filling in the full application form below. Let us know what excites you the most.

Please download and complete the form below and return as pdf and one letter of reference (can be sent separately) to Applicants will be notified about acceptance on May 31, 2013. Please mark your email with the subject 'neurojamboree application' and include your name and affiliation in the body of the message. Details of the payment of the 100 euro course fee will follow upon acceptance.