Basic Git Commands

Git is a versioning management tool using in projects. Let's get directly into stuff.

Basic commands

git config

git config --global

git init

git add

git add <filename>

git clone

git clone <repo url>

git commit

git commit -m "YOUR COMMIT MESSAGE"

git status

// show pending changes for commit/push.

git push

git push origin master

// push the local changes to remote.

git checkout

git checkout -b <branch name>

// switch/create the the specified branch

git remote

//used to connect with remote repo

git remote -v // list remote repos configured

git remote add origin <repo url> // create a new repo

git branch

git branch // list all git branches

git branch -d <branch name> // delete branch

git pull

// pull the remote change to local in current branch

git rm

//remove file from git

git rm <file_name>

git rm -r <directory_name> // remove directory under git.

git reset

//reset git commits

git reset --soft HEAD~1 // reset the git commits by 1 head. But NOT discard changes

git reset --hard HEAD~1 //reset the git commits by 1 head and discard the changes.