Photo Samples, Turning Stitches

Ms Kaukonen (1960, Finland) classified nalbinding stitches into four categories, based on how many yarns (or groups of yarns) the needle crosses before the direction of the needle changes in the middle of the stitch.

- In Turning stitches (pyöräyttäen or punaltaen in Finnish) one of the yarns/loops (usually the one in the middle of the stitch), is picked up from back to front (needle tip usually pointing to 3 o'clock).

Finnish Turning Stitch 2+2+tr F1. Right side.

tr = 1 loop picked up from back to front, needle tip pointing to right (3 o'clock).


Finnish Turning Stitch 2+2+tr, F1. Reverse side.

Finnish Turning Stitch, 2+2+tr, Parikkala. Right side.

- last letter is U, and connection is different.


Finnish Turning Stitch, 2+2+tr, Parikkala. Reverse side.

Turning Stitch, version II, 2+tl+2. Right side.

tl = 1 loop picked up from back to front, needle tip pointing to left (9 o'clock).


[photo missing]

Turning Stitch, version II, 2+tr+2. Right side.

Turning Stitch, version II, 2+tl+2. Reverse.

[photo missing]

Turning Stitch, version II, 2+tr+2. Right side.

Turning Stitch, version II, 2+tl+3. Right.

(see video above, just pick up 3 small loops)

Turning Stitch, version II, 2+tl+3. Reverse.

Turning Stitch version II, tl+1. Right side.

- 1 thumb loop, pick it up from back to front, pick up 1 loop behind thumb, needle under needle yarn only.

Same stitch, different yarn, see photo below.

Turning Stitch version II, tl+1. Reverse side.

Same stitch, different yarn, see photo below.