
Welcome to the web site covering South Lochaber Parish Church

The Rev. Dr. Malcolm Kinnear serves as Minister for parish assisted by his wife, 

the Rev. Marion Kinnear, an Auxiliary Minister.

We are a congregation of the Church of Scotland, which is the national Church in Scotland, and a congregation within the new Highland Presbytery which stretches from Campbeltown to Thurso

South Lochaber Parish Church

 In April 2023, the three parishes of St. Munda's in Glencoe and Ballachulish, Duror and Nether Lochaber joined together in Union to become South Lochaber Parish Church linked to Kinlochleven Parish Church.

 The St. Munda's church is being sold, so services covering the Glencoe and Ballachulish area are held in the Ballachulish Shinty Pavilion on the 1st. and 3rd. Sundays of each month at 10.30 am.

 Services are held in Nether Lochaber Church on the 1st. and 3rd. Sundays of each month at 11.30 am.

Services are held in Duror Church on the 2nd. and 4th. Sundays of each month at 10.30 am.

In a month where there is a 5th. Sunday, a joint service will be held in one of the churches at 10.30 or 11.30.

Kinlochleven Parish Church

On 3 June 2024, the Kinlochleven Church entered into a Union with South Lochaber Church

Their morning service is held at 10.00 am and from13.00 am onwards, the service is available on YouTube (See Next Sunday page for the link)

The Manse in Kentallen is now in use and the Kinlochleven Manse is up for sale.

South Lochaber Churches – Services in June

 Sunday 2nd. June       10.00 Kinlochleven Church

                                     10.30 Ballachulish Shinty Pavilion

                                     11.30  Nether Lochaber Church


Sunday 9th. June       10.00 Kinlochleven Church

                                     10.30 Duror Church


Sunday 16th. June     10.00 Kinlochleven Church

                                     10.30 Ballachulish Shinty Pavilion

                                     11.30  Nether Lochaber Church


Sunday 23rd. June     10.00 Kinlochleven Church

                                     10.30 Duror Church


Sunday 30th. June     10.00 Kinlochleven Church

                                     10.30 Duror Church

Sunday 7th. July        10.00 Kinlochleven Church

                                     11.30  Nether Lochaber Church

                                               No service in Shinty Pavilion   


Nether Lochaber Church

Duror Church

Ballachulish Shinty Pavilion

Kinlochleven Church

Nether Lochaber Church

Duror Church

St. Munda's former building

Kinlochleven Church

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