
Reverse correlation of natural statistics for accurate characterization of human perceptual templates  

Landolfi L, Neri P

2024 Under Review

State-dependent dynamics of cuttlefish mantle activity  

Cohen-Bodénès S, Neri P

2024 Journal of Experimental Biology in press

Human sensory adaptation to the ecological structure of environmental statistics  

Neri P

2024 Journal of Vision 24(3): 3

Deep networks may capture biological behavior for shallow, but not deep, empirical characterizations  

Neri P

2022 Neural Networks 152: 244-266

A deep-learning framework for human perception of abstract art composition  

Lelièvre P, Neri P

2021 Journal of Vision 21: 9

Optimal templates for signal extraction by noisy ideal detectors and human observers  

Neri P

2021 Journal of Computational Neuroscience 49: 1-20

Mechanisms of spectrotemporal modulation detection for normal- and hearing-impaired listeners  

Ponsot E, Varnet L, Wallaert N, Daoud E, Shamma S, Lorenzi C, Neri P

2020 Trends in Hearing 25: 2331216520978029

Complex visual analysis of ecologically relevant signals in Siamese fighting fish  

Neri P

2019 Animal Cognition 23(1): 41-53

Supplementary Text Supp Movie 1 Supp Movie 2 Supp Movie 3 Supp Movie 4

The empirical characteristics of human pattern vision defy theoretically-driven expectations

Neri P

2018 PLoS Computational Biology 14(12): e1006585

Classification images as descriptive statistics  

Neri P

2017 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 82 26-37

Object segmentation controls image reconstruction from natural scenes  

Neri P

2017 PLoS Biology 15 (8) e1002611 

Video of related IRCAM Workshop Lecture

Highlight at BPoD (Biomedical Picture of the Day)

Dynamic reweighting of auditory modulation filters  

Joosten ERM, Shamma SA, Lorenzi C, Neri P

2016 PLoS Computational Biology 12 (7) e1005019

Quantitative assessment of intrinsic noise for visually guided behaviour in zebrafish  

Spilioti M, Vargesson N, Neri P

2016 Vision Research 127 104-114

The elementary operations of human vision are not reducible to template matching  

Neri P

2015 PLoS Computational Biology 11 (11) e1004499 

Video of related ECVP Symposium Lecture

Action perception is intact in autism spectrum disorder  

Cusack J, Williams JHG, Neri P

2015 Journal of Neuroscience 35 1849-1857 

Commentary by Shah and Sowden 2015 Insights into social perception in autism

Dynamic engagement of human motion detectors across space-time coordinates  

Neri P

2014 Journal of Neuroscience 34 8423-8461 

Commentary by Meso and Chemla 2015 Perceptual fields reveal previously hidden dynamics of human visual motion sensitivity

Semantic control of feature extraction from natural scenes  

Neri P

2014 Journal of Neuroscience 34 2374-2388

The statistical distribution of noisy transmission in human sensors  

Neri P

2013 Journal of Neural Engineering 10 016014 

Commentary by Solomon 2013 Sensory noise

How noisy is lexical decision?  

Diependaele K, Brysbaert M, Neri P

2012 Frontiers in Language Sciences 3 348

Human pitch detectors are tuned on a fine scale, but are perceptually accessed on a coarse scale  

Joosten ERM, Neri P

2012 Biological Cybernetics 106 465-82

Estimation of internal noise using double passes: does it matter how the second pass is delivered?  

Hasan BAS, Joosten ERM, Neri P

2012 Vision Research 69 1-9

Feature binding in zebrafish  

Neri P

2012 Animal Behaviour 84 485-493

Attentional control of sensory tuning in human visual perception  

Paltoglou AE, Neri P

2012 Journal of Neurophysiology 107 1260-74 

Highlight by Ling et al 2014 A review of the mechanisms by which attentional feedback shapes visual selectivity

Global properties of natural scenes shape local properties of human edge detectors  

Neri P

2011 Frontiers in Perception Science 2 172

Coarse to fine dynamics of monocular and binocular processing in human pattern vision  

Neri P

2011 PNAS track II without prearranged editor 108 10726-10731

Stochastic characterization of small-scale algorithms for human sensory processing  

Neri P

2010 Chaos 20 045118

Visual detection under uncertainty operates via an early static, not late dynamic, nonlinearity  

Neri P

2010 Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 4 151

How inherently noisy is human sensory processing?  

Neri P

2010 Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 17 802-808

Human efficiency for classifying natural versus random text  

Neri P, Liu A, Levi DM  

2010 Vision Research 50 557-563

Nonlinear characterization of a simple process in human vision  

Neri P 

2009 Journal of Vision 9(12) 1 1-29

Surround motion silences signals from same-direction motion  

Neri P, Levi DM  

2009 Journal of Neurophysiology 102 2594-2602

Wholes and subparts in visual processing of human agency 

Neri P 

2009 Proc. R. Soc. London B 276 861-869

Evidence for joint encoding of motion and disparity in human visual perception  

Neri P, Levi DM  

2008 Journal of Neurophysiology 100 3117-3133

Temporal dynamics of directional selectivity in human vision  

Neri P, Levi DM  

2008 Journal of Vision 8(1) 22  1-11 

Sensitivity to biological motion drops by ~½ log-unit with inversion, and is unaffected by amblyopia  

Neri P, Luu JY, Levi DM  

2007 Vision Research 47 1209-1214 

Temporal dynamics of figure-ground segregation in human vision  

Neri P, Levi DM  

2007 Journal of Neurophysiology 97 951-957 

Fast-scale adaptive changes of directional tuning in fly tangential cells are explained by a static nonlinearity  

Neri P   

2007 Journal of Experimental Biology 210 3199-3208

Meaningful interactions can enhance visual discrimination of human agents  

Neri P, Luu JY, Levi DM   

2006 Nature Neuroscience 9 1186-92

Spatial resolution for feature binding is impaired in peripheral and amblyopic vision  

Neri P, Levi DM   

2006 Journal of Neurophysiology 96 142-153

Commentary by Morgan MJ 2006 Putting the Cheshire cat together in amblyopia

Receptive versus perceptive fields from the reverse-correlation viewpoint  

Neri P, Levi DM   

2006 Vision Research 46 2465-2474 

Spatial integration of optic flow signals in fly motion-sensitive neurons  

Neri P   

2006 Journal of Neurophysiology 95 1608-1619 

Global versus local adaptation in fly motion-sensitive neurons  

Neri P, Laughlin SB   

2005 Proc. R. Soc. London B 272 2243-9

Highlight by Menzel 2005 in F1000  

A stereoscopic look at visual cortex  

Neri P   

2005 Journal of Neurophysiology 93 1823-1826  

Attentional effects on sensory tuning for single-feature detection and double-feature conjunction  

Neri P   

2004 Vision Research 44 3053-3064

Estimation of nonlinear psychophysical kernels  

Neri P   

2004 Journal of Vision 4 82-91 

Stereoscopic processing of absolute and relative disparity in human visual cortex  

Neri P, Bridge H, Heeger DJ   

2004 Journal of Neurophysiology 92 1880-1891

Spatiotemporal mechanisms for detecting and identifying image features in human vision  

Neri P, Heeger DJ   

2002 Nature Neuroscience 5 812-6

Commentary by Simoncelli EP 2003 Seeing patterns in the noise

Correlational and non-correlational processing in human vision  

Neri P  

2000 D.Phil. thesis 

Probing the human stereoscopic system with reverse correlation  

Neri P, Parker AJ, Blakemore C  

1999 Nature 401 695-8 

Seeing biological motion  

Neri P, Morrone MC, Burr DC  

1998 Nature 395 894-6