Other Collectors


*Crux does not collect one-game novelty controllers (such as the Tiny Bee/Onimusha Sword/Resident Evil Chainsaw), controllers that do not work (like UForce/Activator/R.O.B./Ultimate Kick Boxing/Power Glove), nor arcade sticks cause they are too plain/standard

*Reasons why I don't collect certain types of controllers are available here

*W_W is Weekend_Warrior, which is too big to fit in the table. Some of his controllers were added via private messaging, which is why they aren't listed at his link

*SharkieGamer owns so many steering wheels and joysticks I had to start counting multiples of the same kind of controller as one collective unit for organizational purposes. As well as the point of this site being to catalog novelties, and novelty decreases with the amount of the same thing you own.

Some NES stuff: http://www.ne.jp/asahi/oroti/famicom/cont00.htm

Some DC stuff: http://www.ntsc-uk.com/feature.php?featuretype=ret&fea=DreamcastHardware

Other links: 3D System, Saitek Pro Flight Range products, The Strike Fishing Rod, TrackIR PRO 4.0, Zeemote JS1 Mobile Gaming Controller

Chronological order of my purchases