Everybody copies

So you think Sony is the only company guilty of copying do you? My how you've turned a blind eye to whatever is your favorite company. I'm not surprised really.

Alright, let's go through the list of every offense I can think of. Note: I am counting gaming applications used before the company commonly known as the originator, so force feedback pagers don't count for example. And not necessarily the first known case, just one that happened before the company commonly thought to have invented it or first used it for gaming. And they do have to be publicly available for purchase (no arcade games, no MIT supercomputers. Rarity is irrelevant) I am trying to back up as much as possible with links (except the note, I really don't care if you believe those, just the dates. And if you don't believe my source find your own and I'll correct it. Unlike the fanboys that inspired this page, I don't reject facts/reality. Let's start with Nintendo since they've been around longest and have copied the most


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Total not copied



Thing's to go into: downloadable demos (1st, kiosks or valve?), Microphone (DC, Famicom) (separate DS and cubes) backlit portable (Gamegear) Rumble on a portable (1st, PokePinball) internal battery (GBASP) bypass booting to disc (GCN, DS)

Now on to Microsoft


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Total not copied



Thing's to go into: wired 360 controller (PS2), xbox live (1st), downloadable content, downloadable games, XBOX Guide background OS and OS hook button (PSP), wireless controllers with an integrated charge port (1st), DVD playback (PS2), high def video disc playback (PS3), theme-able OS (PSP), integrated IR port (PS2), media center extender/windows connect (which came first, the PSP locationfree client or the 360?) system-wide custom soundtracks (1st) non-system-wide custom soundtracks (PS1 [games like GTA let you take the disc out and put in an audio disc], PC [Oni for one, let you use an MP3 directory]) turning on/off the system via remote (PS2, difference:controller integration like Wii) downloadable kiosk content (NDS, difference:persistance of data), downloadable demos, marketplace (Sony planned it first for PS2, and brought it out in Japan) HDTV support (PS2) Native VGA support (Lets go with dreamcast) bypass booting to disc (GCN, DS), XNA anybody (PS1/PS2/PS3), downloadable movies/pictures/audio/etc (PSP) camera as an input device (eyetoy/PS2)

Check which had internal clock first (saturn)