Awards and Funds

  1. Post-doctoral Fellowship
    • Organization: ERA-NET Projects, Europe
    • Year: February 2017
  2. Post-doctoral Fellowship of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
  3. Specially Awarded Paper (Title: Intelligent Resource Scheduling in Green Smart Grid Considering Uncertainties)
  4. President's Honorary Award (For achievement in the Ph.D. course)
  5. Excellent Student Award
  6. Marubun Research Promotion Grant
  7. Excellent Student Award
  8. ZUKERAN Award
  9. President’s Honorary Award (For achievement in Masters course)
  10. Best Presentation Award
  11. Academic Scholarship
    • Organization: Monbukagakusho (MEXT)
    • Year: October 2007 to March 2012
  12. Intra-university Programming Champion