Animation Tips

0~DON'T USE MULTICOLOR! Follow this rule and more people will watch your videos more because it looks more professional. Even using all one non matching color for a building is better than multicolor. But if you can make it realistic then by all means do it.

1~When animating anything you should have good smooth lighting.

Then it is possible to see the smaller details and to see at all.

2~To make longer and more story driven animations add text dialogue and take just repeat a string of pictures while they are talking. Unless you are using sound where some movements may need to be changed.

3~When using Legos a background of more Legos is fantastic.

Such as buildings or rocks and maybe even some temples(all made of Legos).

Something that looks nice.

4~Its good to make realistic things like grass on the ground and plants(scenery)

people like those things.

5~Sound is probably one of the most important aspects in animations

(other than the animation itself) its great to have background music and even better

to have individual sounds like walking, hitting a wall, using weapons or using vehicles.

6~Action is another one of those qualities in animation. people love to see things happen.

Try to give a lot of action with just the right amount of dialogue. There is no reason your animation should ever be completely still, use recycled movement animation if needed.

7~Create your own Lego sets, or make other sets your own like the medieval market set, or any set that fits your theme, be creative and add on.

8~Get a good camera: if you are animating Legos get one with manually adjustable focus.

The one use has automatic focus and if you want a really good camera with focus and

rightlight, plus tons of other stuff look Here. Logitech Quickcam Pro for Notebooks.

9~Story line: It's good to have one so people stay interested in them.

Although in fighting animations sometimes people just like to see things explode

and fight with lots of blood(red clay or more Legos) etc. with really no story. But still sometimes they are fighting for a cause

so try and get a story or reason for your Lego guy doing what he/she is doing.

10~Do not overwork yourself. take regular breaks. no its not for eyestrain but that's a good point.

its because the more overwhelmed you get the shakier your hands will be and

the more your Legos will fall down. then you have to put them up carefully all over again which

wastes valuable time.


I have been doing this and it is a very bad thing to do, unless you make bad 5 second videos that you used no effort on. Don't do this because it will take things away from your movie because you will be working on other stuff to.

keep a nice schedule so you don't get stressed or overworked.

12~Try to keep your movies up to date. use newer programs for smoother animation or better effects.

newer is not always better but in this case it usually is. I'm not saying using old Lego pieces is bad.

use all Lego pieces! I'm just saying don't use the same old programs after new free stuff or costly stuff has come out.