Current Students:
I have the pleasure of working with multiple talented graduate students in multiple roles.

Research Advsior

Academic Advisor

I also teach a core class in our course-based Master of Data Science program, as well as organizing a weekly reading group in Bayesian Statistics.

Prospective Students:  
If you are not currently a student in the Statistics Department at University of Connecticut, I encourage you to apply to our PhD Program in Statistics if you would like to work with me. Please note that I am not a member of the admissions committee; I do not have any influence over the admissions process. Questions regarding admission are best directed to the Director of Graduate Admissions. Please do not email me prior to being accepted to the program.

If you have been accepted or are already a student in one of our graduate programs, feel free to send me an email or drop by my office. I would be happy to discuss potential research directly. Note that as a new faculty member, I currently do not yet have any external funding to support graduate students via research assistantships.

Prospective Interns, Postdocs, and Visiting Researchers:

I currently do not have openings for interns, postdocs, or visiting researchers.


If you are a researcher looking to collaborate on a project, please feel free to reach out to me via email to see if we're a good fit. Currently, I am especially eager to work on problems related to network modeling, relational data, Bayesian inference, and forensic science.