During the academic years: 2013-2015: I organized the MCLA Annual Mathematics Tournament. See the website for more details. A selected students' evaluations from University of Georgia can be seen here.

At Marist College: I use Ilearn for all the course materials.

Fall 2017

- Math 242: Calculus II

- Data 220: Introduction to data analysis

-Math 330: Probability and Statistics (2 sections)

Spring 2017

- Math 210L: Linear Algebra

- Math 241L: Calculus I

- Math 440: Numerical Analysis

Fall 2016

- Math 241L: Calculus I

- Math 205L: Discrete mathematics

At MCLA : I use Canvas for all the course materials.

Spring 2016

- Math 500: Introduction to Partial Differential Equations (Spring 2016)

- Math 320: Calculus II (Spring 2016)

- Math 390: Numerical Analysis( Spring 2016)

- Math 232: Introduction to Statistics (Spring 2016, 2 sections)

Fall 2015

- Math 323: Probability and Statistics II (Fall 2015)

- Math 320: Calculus II (Fall 2015)

- Math 232: Introduction to Statistics (Fall 2015, 2 sections)

Summer 2015

- Math 380: Differential Equations (Summer 2015)

Spring 2015

- Math 480: Financial Mathematics (Spring 2015)

- Math 232: Introduction to Statistics (Spring 2015, 2 sections)

- Math 320: Calculus II (Spring 2015)

Fall 2014

- Math 460: Real Analysis (Fall 2014)

- Math 232: Introduction to Statistics (Fall 2014, 2 sections)

- Math 380: Differential Equations (Fall 2014)

- Math 330: Calculus III (Fall 2014)

Spring 2014

- Math 390: Numerical Analysis (Spring 2014)

- Math 232: Introduction to Statistics (Spring 2014, 2 sections)

- Math 320: Calculus II (Spring 2014)

Fall 2013

- Math 220: Calculus I (Fall 2013)

- Math 232: Introduction to Statistics (Fall 2013, 2 sections)

- Math 323: Statistical Analysis (Fall 2013)

PAST TEACHING: At University of Georgia

Summer 2013 : Math 2250- Calculus I

Spring 2013 : Math 2250- Calculus I

Fall 2012 : Math 2200 Differential calculus

Summer 2012 : Math 2200 Differential calculus

Fall 2011+ Spring 2012 : I had no teaching duties due to the graduate school fellowship

Spring 2011 :Math 2200 Differential calculus

Fall 2010 : Math 1113 Precalculus

Summer 2010

- Math 2200 ( First session) - Recitation instructor

- Math 2200 (long session) - Recitation instructor

Spring 2010

- Math 220: Calculus- recitation instructor for professor Allison Arnold

- Math 4010/6010: Introduction to modern Algebra - grader for professor Brian Boe

- Math 3100: Introduction to Mathematical proofs - grader for professor Malcolm Adams

Fall 2009

- Math 2200 : Differential Calculus - for professors Frank Churchman and Cherilyn Rumely

- Math 4/6000: Introduction to modern Algebra – grader for professor Brian Boe