Species Status

Checklist based on Pulich, 1988. Updated by Jim Peterson, Martin Reid, and Matt White

All of the following terms presume the species is being looked for in the appropriate habitat.

(Ab) Abundant - Applied to a species that can be found in quantity without any special search

(C) Common - Applied to a species noted at least daily with some search

(FC) Fairly Common - Applied to a species that may require some search to be detected regularly

(U) Uncommon - Applied to a species that may not be possible to find on some days.

(R) Rare - Applied to a species that is seldom encountered except by chance

(Ca) Casual - Applied to a species that is out of its normal range but can be expected to occur again

(Ac) Accidental - Applied to a species that is far from its normal range it is not expected to appear again

(IR) - Irregular. If this term is applied under the "nesting" category, it mean this species does not nest here year after year. If it is applied under a season, it means it is irregular during that season. If it falls under "likely seen," the location is irregular

(L) - Nesting or observed locally. Not widespread. Seen only at certain locations. In the case of certain species, i.e., Scaled Quail, Golden-fronted Woodpecker, Canyon Towhee, Pyrrhuloxia, birds may be found only on the fringe of study area in drier habitat. Other birds such as Ruddy Turnstone regularly show up only at one or two lakes

(H) - Historical nest records only. None recently

N,S.E,W (Compass points) Also FW and FE for "far west" and "far east." These compass point indicators are used under the "Likely" seen" category to indicate that a species is predominantly found in a certain direction of the area's center, i.e., Pyrrhuloxia is likely seen with a "FW" indicator suggesting the bird is generally found in the far west part of the study area

Photo - Photo-documentation from the NC-Texas area is available on this website

Review Species in Bold - The bold font means the bird is a Texas review species and documentation is required for state acceptance. This documentation must be submitted to the Texas bird Records Committee.

For any formation about the nature of the checklist - total numbers, birds photographed, birds added, etc., see "about the checklist."

This list follows the 58th supplement to the AOU Checklist.







Also See....

Courtesy of Dell Little

Map overlays of both TOS and eBird observations by county