
2022 GDL Condensed Mathematics (organizer)
2022 Around p-adic cohomologies. Padova (organizer)
2022 100-800 unipd umi. Padova
2022 Périodes, Motifs et eqations différentielles : entre arithmétique et géométrie
2022 Motives from 1 to 62. Milan. (speaker)
Séminaire de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux
2018 Gdt cohomologie syntomique et systèmes d'Euler
2016 Théorèmes d'Algébrisation
2016 Répresentations p-adiques et valeurs speciales des fonctions L (Bordeaux)
2015 Summer School on Prefectoid Spaces

Expository notes

Lectures on algebraic de Rham cohomology. Notes for a series of lectures for PhD students at the University of Padova, February-March 2016 (DRAFT). PDF
Learning Number Theory in El Salvador. Notes for a 3 weeks course on number theory at the University of El Salvador, September 2016. PDF
An introduction to Formal Geometry. Notes of a seminar given for the workshop Théorèmes d'Algébrisation 2016. PDF
Variétés Shimura connexes. Notes of a seminar given for the gdt on Shimura varieties, Bordeaux 2015. PDF
Le théorème de comparaison cristallin de Fontaine-Messing. Notes of a seminar given for the gdt "Théorèmes de comparaison et représentations galoisiennes", CIRM 2014. PDF
Sur la lissité de la courbe de Hecke. A review of an article of Bellaiche and Chenevier, 2014. PDF
Hauteurs et Isogenies. Notes of a seminar given for the workshop "Conjecture de Mordell : Faltings et Vojta-Bombieri", Bordeaux 2013. PDF -
Autour de la cohomologie syntomique. PDF
A note on Grothendieck fundamental group. Seminario Dottorato di Padova 2008/09. PDF
Curve di Shimura, Problemi di Moduli e Superifici Abeliane Quaternioniche. Tesi di Laurea 2005. PDF



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