
Nathalie Gimenes


in English

in Portuguese (Lattes)

Research Interests

Auctions, Quantile Regression, Empirical Industrial Organization and Applied Econometrics.

Research Papers

Econometrics of Ascending Auctions by Quantile Regression. Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 99, No. 5, p. 944-953, Dec 2017.

Appendix (here)

Supplemental Material (here)

Quantile Regression Methods for First-Price Auction (with E. Guerre). Forthcoming at Journal of Econometrics.

Supplemental Material (here)

Nonparametric Identification of an Interdependent Value Model with Buyer Covariates from First-Price Auction Bids (with E. Guerre). Journal of Econometrics, Vol 219, Issue 1, p. 1-18, Nov 2020.

Semiparametric Estimation of Ascending Auctions with Risk Averse Sellers (with F. Miessi and S. Srisuma)

Semiparametric Quantile Models for Ascending Auctions with Asymmetric Bidders (with E. Guerreand J. Bhattacharya). Forthcoming at Journal of Business and Economic Statistics.

Supplemental Material (here)

An Incomplete Model of Candle Auctions: evidence from procurement in Brazil (with Marcelo Sant’Anna)

Email: ngimenes@econ.puc-rio.br

Departamento de Economia, PUC - Rio

Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225, Gávea

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 22451-900.

How do small firms behave under preference program conditions: evidence from procurement in Brazil (with Marcelo Sant'Anna).