Open Science


A Zotero group with readings on open science. Join up!


A blog about meta-science, open science and inequality.


Creative ways to deal with the frustrations of science.


2022. "Teaching to empower students as public, open and citizen scientists". Crowdid blog post.

2022. The legacy of Jon Tennant: Open science is just good science“ SocArXiv. 

2021. Open Science in Sociology. What, why and now.“ Crowdid. Blog.

2021. “Public Opinion, Pandemic Infection and Policymaking: The COVID-19 Story of Liberty and Death.SFB1342 COVID-19 Blog. 

2020. "¿Crisis de apertura en las ciencias sociales? [Crisis of opening social science?] COES." Talk at the Center for Social Cohesion, University of Chile.  Oct 6th.


2020. “Science by press conference: What the Heinsberg Study on COVID-19 demonstrates about the dangers of fast, open science.” LSE Impact of Social Sciences Blog.


2020. “Talking inequality to your politically mixed US American family.” Medium. LINK

2020. “Open Science, but Correctly! Lessons from the Heinsberg StudyMetaArXiv, public comment. 

2020. “Talking Inequality to Your Politically Mixed US American Family.” Medium.

2020. “Behind the Specification Curve.” ASA Inequality, Poverty and Mobility Section Newsletter, 5(2). 

2017. “Open Science with a Focus on Open Access.” Presentation at the Open Science Event 'From Open Access to Open Science'. University of Mannheim Library and Administration. Oct. 26th, 2017.

2015. “The Replication Road - Scientific Detour or Destination?” Political Science Replication. July 15th.

2015. A Wikipedia Page to raise awareness of Viola Klein initiated with students from the 'History of Social Thought' seminar. 

2015. “Crowd Sourcing Data to Improve Macro-Comparative Research.” Policy & Politics Blog. March 26th. 

2014. “High School Participation in the Association.” Footnotes (of the American Sociological Association). February Issue.

2013. “Student Paper Award Winner Roscoe C. Scarborough". Student Sociologist 6(5):2.