Curriculum Vitae


  • Ongoing- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.),

University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), California, USA

Major: Computer Engineering

  • December 2020 Masters of Science (MSc),

University of California, Irvine (UCI), California, USA

Major: Electrical Engineering

CGPA: 3.97 / 4.00

  • March 2016 Bachelor of Science (BSc Honors) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering,

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Major: Electronics, Minor: Power

Thesis: “3D Quantum Mechanical Simulation of AlGaN/GaN HEMT : Study of Polarization Effect with a Novel Design”

Supervisor: Dr. Md. Kawsar Alam

CGPA: 3.81 / 4.00

  • July 2010 Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Examination at Notre Dame College, Dhaka Board

GPA: 5.00 / 5.00 (all A+)

  • June 2008 Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Examination at Ideal School and College, Dhaka Board

GPA: 5.00 / 5.00 (all A+)

Academic Scholarships

Dean Scholarship, for Level-1, 2, 4 (2011-2016).

University Merit Scholarship, for 6 (six) terms (2011-2016).

Board Scholarship, Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination, Dhaka Board, 2010.

Board Scholarship, Secondary School Certificate Examination, Dhaka Board, 2008.

Talentpool Scholarship, Junior Scholarship Examination, Dhaka Board, 2005.

1st in whole Bangladesh- Talentpool Scholarship, Primary Scholarship Examination, Dhaka Board, 2002.

Full Free Studentship, Ideal School and College, 2000-2008 for excellent academic results (combined 1st).

Full Free Studentship, Notre Dame College, 2008-2010 for excellent academic results (combined 1st).

Jainul Memorial Scholarship (3 times) (2004-2006).

Scholars’ Forum Scholarship (5 times) (2002-2006).

Bangladesh Bank Employees’ Fund Scholarship (2000-2008).

Awards and Certificates

Gold Medal as National Award from the Honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh for standing 1st in whole

Bangladesh in Primary Scholarship, 2002.

Certificate of Achievement from King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, United States in Recognition

of Outstanding Achievement in Science, 2008-2009.

Special Mention, Notre Dame College awarded for Academic Excellence, 2010.

Certificate of Merit, Notre Dame College awarded for Academic Merit Position, 2010.

Runners up, EEE Day MATLAB Contest, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2015.

1st Prize for Science Project at Science Fair, ISTARC, Ideal School and College, 2007.

1st Prize for Science Wall Magazine at Science Fair, ISTARC, Ideal School and College, 2007.

Divisional Award, Dhaka DC Office for standing 1st in Dhaka Division in Primary Scholarship, 2002.

End of Course Certificate from British Council, Bangladesh for Upper-intermediate English Course, 2008.


  • Bengali: Mothertongue

  • English: Fluent

Computer Skills

  • Excellent: Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Microsoft Visual Studio, Adobe Acrobat, ISIS Proteus, Quartus, PSAF, PIC Microcontroller, MPLAB IDE, C, C++, Verilog, VHDL, Processing, Assembly.

  • Expert: MATLAB, Cadence, COMSOL, Arduino, PSpice, LATEX.

Professional and Co-curricular Memberships

  • Alumni Research Member of Nanoscale Science and Technology (NST) research group, BUET

  • Former Club Co-moderator, NDUB Computer Club (NDUBCC)

  • Invited Reviewer of IEEE journals

  • Former Technical Article Writer of Electron, a BUET EEE Magazine.

  • Former Member, Notre Dame Science Club (NDSC), Notre Dame College.

  • Former Member, Notre Dame English Club (NDEC), Notre Dame College.

  • Former Member, Ideal Science and Technology Aiming Research Council (ISTARC), Ideal School and College.