Nautical Free - List by type of document & misc


Nautical Free

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Online free nautical charts and publications

open data/open access - libre accès

Cartes marines gratuites et ouvrages nautiques en ligne

Book SHOM 1D: Symboles, abréviations et termes utilisés sur les cartes marines
Book DHN/CHM: Lista de Faróis
Book NOAA: United States Coast Pilot 1
Book BSH: Wetter- und Warnfunk
Chart NOAA 11013: Straits of Florida and Approaches

About Nautical Free

Nautical Free provides a list of free nautical charts and online publications.

There is a list by country from letter A to letter V, for each country the organizations and for each organization a list of free online documents (charts, nautical books, notice to mariners...). There is two special lists: one for the international organizations and one for the private companies. There is also a reverse list by type of documents: sailing directions, radio signals, tide tables, nautical charts... You can also find on Nautical Free wave forecast maps for tomorrow, space weather forecast for GPS, how to check your computer clock, as well as information about celestial navigation or about ice navigation...

Au sujet de Nautical Free

Nautical Free fournit une liste de cartes marines gratuites et d'ouvrages nautiques en ligne.

Il y a une liste par pays de la lettre A à la lettre V, pour chaque pays les organisations et pour chaque organisation une liste de documents libres en ligne (cartes marines, ouvrages nautiques, avis aux navigateurs...). Il existe deux listes spéciales : une pour les organisations internationales et une pour les sociétés privées. Il existe également une liste inverse par type de documents : instructions nautiques, ouvrages de radiosignaux, tables des marées, cartes marines... Vous trouverez également sur Nautical Free des cartes de prévision de la hauteur des vagues pour demain, des prévisions de la météo de l'espace pour les GPS, comment vérifier l'heure de son ordinateur, ainsi que des informations sur la navigation astronomique ou la navigation dans les glaces...

Advice / Conseils

For navigation use only updated regulatory documents /

Pour la navigation n'utiliser que des documents réglementaires à jour.

GPS is more accurate than nautical charts /

Un GPS est plus précis qu'un carte marine.

Web Servers / Serveurs Web

You can use the nearest or faster server / Vous pouvez utiliser le serveur le plus proche ou le plus rapide :

Caption / Légende

    • The nautical books are in standard fonts / Les ouvrages sont en caractères droits

  • In Italic the maps and the charts / Les cartes sont en italiques

    • The last item for an organization is the Notices to Mariners. The first issue of each year is often a special publication /

    • La dernier item pour un service hydrographique est un lien vers les avis au navigateurs. Le premier numéro de chaque année est souvent un numéro spécial

Definitions / Définitions

Raster Navigational Charts (RNC)

Bitmap electronic images of paper charts that conform to IHO standard S-61 /

Carte marine matricielle, fac-similé numérique d'une carte papier (scan) conforme à la norme de l'OHI S-61

Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC)

Vector charts that conform to IHO standard S-57 /

Carte électronique de navigation, carte vectorielle conforme à la norme de l'OHI S-57

More information on RNCs and ENCs / En savoir plus sur la cartographie numérique et les différents types de cartes numériques.

              • COVID-19 (coronavirus) temporary effects on quarantine requirements,

              • pilotage, vts, reporting, radio communications and transmissions

              • An increasing number of ports are introducing specific quarantine reporting requirements with regards to this virus. Its continued spread is also impacting a number of other services. Due to the ongoing and dynamic nature of the situation, mariners should contact the appropriate Port Authority, VTS, Pilot, coastguard, radio station or other designated body covering their planned route and destination, for the latest advice and procedures. Due to the rapidly changing situation, it is advised to check local situation at the earliest opportunity when passage planning.

Photo: Le Havre (France), Outer harbor
                  • Le Havre: Outer harbor / Avant port

Photo: Toulon (France), Cruise ship terminal
                  • Toulon: Cruise Ship Terminal / Terminal de croisière

Photo: Hyères, Port Saint-Pierre
                  • Hyères: Saint-Pierre Harbor / Port Saint-Pierre

    • List of Lights / Livres des feux

Nautical chart light characteristics:  descriptions, characteristic patterns, and example standard chart abbreviations
                • Symbols and abbreviations for light characteristics

    • List of Radio Signals / Ouvrages de radiosignaux

Marine VHF radio on channel 16
              • Radio VHF marine sur le canal 16

Marine HF radio on 2182 KHz
              • Marine MF radio on 2182 KHz

24hr significant wave forecast charts (BMKG/Indonesia)
                  • Asia & Autralia: Wave forecast for tomorrow - Height in metres (BMKG)

24hr significant wave forecast charts (BMKG/Indonesia)
                  • Indonesian archipelago: Wave forecast for tomorrow - Height in metres (BMKG)

GPS: Plots for PDOP (FAA/USA)
                  • GPS: Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP) - More information about PDOP and biases

          • GNSS & GPS vulnerabilties / Vulnérabilités du GPS et des GNSS

                  • On the left is a ranging

                  • error produced by the

                  • slowing of GPS signals

                  • in the ionosphere.

                  • The signal is slowed

                  • by the presence of

                  • free electrons. The greater

                  • the total number of

                  • electrons (Total Electron

                  • Count or TEC) on the

                  • signal path the greater

                  • the time delay.

Schematic of ionspheric effects on GPS signals: ranging error and scintillations
                  • Schematic of ionspheric effects on GPS signals

                  • On the right are amplitude

                  • scintillations produced

                  • by destructive interference

                  • of scattered signals

                  • There is signal fading with

                  • possible loss of tracking.

                  • The higher the level of

                  • scintillation the greater

                  • the errors. The S4 Index

                  • quantified this amplitude

                  • scintillation

          • General Information / Généralités

Three day plots of the solar x-ray flux, the solar proton flux  and geomagnetic activity
Three day plots of the solar x-ray flux, the solar proton flux and geomagnetic activity
          • The ionosphere can be the largest source of error in GPS positioning and navigation. Furthermore, under certain conditions, amplitude fading and phase scintillation effects can cause loss of carrier lock and intermittent GPS receiver operation.

            • TEC: Affected by solar activity, Total Electron Content (TEC) describes the total number of free electrons present within one square meter between two points (i.e. between the receiver and satellite). The GPS radio signal is slowed by the presence of free electrons, causing an additional time delay. The larger the TEC quantity, the longer the delay in a received GNSS signal. The delay will cause a range error for the measures of the distance between a satelite and the receiver: one TEC unit causes a range error of 0.162 meter. The range errors will cause a position error if they remain uncorrected. However, this position error will usually be smaller than the range errors. Standard GPS receivers correct by software more than 50% of the range error (More information).

            • Scintillation: Ionospheric scintillation is a rapid fluctuation of radio-frequency signal amplitude. It is generated when a signal passes through the ionosphere in a region with small scale irregularities in electron density. Ionosphere scintillation follows the 'solar cycle' which is affected by maximum sunspot activity and is primarily an equatorial and high-latitude ionospheric phenomenon. Scintillation affects satellites transmission with short-sterm signal fading that can severely stress the tracking capabilities of a GPS receiver. The higher the level of scintillation, the greater the errors (More information).

World Map with the Ionosphere Total Electron Content (TEC)
                  • Ionosphere Total Electron Content (TEC) Map (Trimble)

World Map of the Ionosphere Scintillation Level
                  • Ionosphere Scintillation Map (Trimble)

          • - Radio Time Signals / Radiosignaux horaires

World Time Zone Map (USNO/HMNAO)
                  • Standard Time Zones (USNO/HMNAO)

          • - Radio Email Services / Services d'email par radio

COSPAS-SARSAT System Overview
Simulator of a VHF marine radio
                  • Online VHF marine radio simulator (Telenor Kystradio)

          • - Vocabulary & Phrases / Vocabulaire et phrases

    • Tide Tables / Annuaire des marées

Tides schematic
                  • Link between tides and phases of the moon

Map around Indonesia with current tropical cyclones (TCWC/BMKG)
                  • Southeast Asia, Indonesia - Current Tropical Cyclones (TCWC/BMKG)

    • Free nautical charts / Cartes marines gratuites

    • GPS is more accurate than nautical charts / Un GPS est plus précis qu'un carte marine

Paper charts and electronic navigational chart for the same area
            • From paper charts to Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC)

Some symbols of nautical charts about rocks
COLREGS, Ruls 13 and 16
                • Overtaking, Action by Give-way Vessel - Rules 13 and 16

                • Navire qui en rattrape un autre - Règles 13 et 16

Navire non maître de sa manoeuvre
                  • Vessel not under command - Rule 27a

                  • Navire non maître de sa manoeuvre - Règle 27a

          • Coronavirus / Coronavirus

          • Cyber security / Cyber sécurité

          • GPS vulnerability / Vulnérabilité du GPS

          • By Geographical Area / Par zone géographique

          • Charts / Cartes

          • Mediterranean / Méditerranée

          • Gulf of Guinea / Golfe de Guinée

          • Indian Ocean / Océan Indien

          • Asia / Asie

          • Reports and Incidents Maps / Rapports et cartes d'incidents

          • Contact Points / Points de contact

Nautical Almanach for the Sun
                • UTC time on your

                • local computer (3Quarks)

High North Sea Ice Information (Weathernews Global Ice Center)

General Information / Généralités

Polar Code: infographic for ship safety
Polar Code: infographic for environment
      • IMO & IALA / OMI & AISM

Cold water kills: Plan and prepare (NWS, Australia)
Hypothermia prevent: H.E.L.P. and huddle position (NWS, Australia)
      • Cold Water Survival / Survie en eau froide

Interpreting ice charts: concentration colour standard
Interpreting ice charts: stage of development colour standard
      • Sea Ice / Glace de mer

Ice Map of the Bering Sea
Ice map for the costs of Canada

Alaska: Sea Ice Analysis (NWS-NOAA/USA)

Ice in Canadian waters (CIS/Canada)

Daily ice chart: Concentration for the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Canada)

Atlantique Nord : Golfe du Saint-Laurent - Code SCG

Carte quotidienne de la concentration des glaces

Weekly Regional Ice Chart: Stage of Development for East Coast (Canada)

North Atlantic: East Coast of Canada - WMO Code

Weekly Chart: Iceberg Areas and Ice Stage of Development

Chart of Newfoundland and Labrador Coasts with Daily Iceberg Analysis

North Atlantic: Newfoundland and Labrador

Daily Iceberg Analysis Chart - Bulletin

      • Iceland, Greenland & Norway / Islande, Groenland et Norvège

      • Baltic Sea / Mer Baltique

      • Russia & Arctic Northeast Passage / Russie et passage arctique du nord-est

Ice map for the Arctic Northeast Passage
Ice map for the Bering Sea
                • Arctic: Ice Analysis from satellite imagery (AARI/Russia)

                • Bering Sea: Ice cover chart-map (Planeta/Russia)

      • Yellow Sea, Japan Sea and Sea of Okhotsk / Mer Jaune, mer du Japon et mer d'Okhotsk

B&W Ice chart for the North-East Japan
Ice chart for the north-east Japan (color)
                  • Sea ice information chart

                  • Ice charts for North-east Asian marginal seas (JMA/Japan)Sea ice concentration chart

      • Antarctica / Antarctique

                • Collaborative Antarctic Ice Charts

                • Norwegian Ice Service - U.S. National Ice Center - Russian Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute

Ice map of Antarctica with concentration
Ice map of Antarctica with stage of development
                  • Concentration

                  • Weekly Antarctic Ice ChartsStage of development

Map of Significant Wave Height for Drake Passage at Day+1
Map of the Drake Passage with Waves forecast (Southern Ocean)
                • Significant Wave Height for Drake Passage at Day+1. Height in metres

                • White color: height < 3m (SHN)

                • Paso Drak : Oleaje significativa para mañana. Altura in metro

                • Color blanco: hielo (SMA)

III - Miscellaneous maritime informations / Informations maritimes diverses

OpenCPN, software for marine navigation
    • OpenSeaMap - The free nautical chart

      • OpenSeaMap is an open source, worldwide project to create a free nautical chart. There is a great need for freely accessible maps for navigation purposes, so in 2009, OpenSeaMap came into life. The goal of OpenSeaMap is to record interesting and useful nautical information for the sailor which is then incorporated into a free map of the world. This includes beacons, buoys and other navigation aids as well as port information, repair shops and chandlerys. OpenSeaMap is a subproject of OpenStreetMap and uses its database.

    • Inland Waters Resources: free charts of inland rivers

      • Links to free inland vector charts of Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Romania, Netherlands, Serbia, Switzerland, USA... By Dacust.

    • The Nautical Almanac

      • The free online Nautical Almanac. The world's most complete source of free celestial navigation information: Almanacs, Increments, Altitude & Q Corrections, Sight Reduction Tables, Stars...

    • Port websites (Shipping Guides Ltd)

      • This is a list of port websites by Shipping Guides Ltd. The list is classified by country.

    • Marine Traffic / AIS map

      • Ths web site provides free real-time information to the public, about ship movements and ports, mainly across the coast-lines of many countries around the world. The project is currently hosted by the University of the Aegean, Greece. The initial data collection is based on the Automatic Identification System (AIS).

                  • Marine Traffic: Brittany/Bretagne, France (AIS)

    • Fédération Nationale des Associations de Pensionnés de la Marine Marchande (FNPMM)

      • La FNPMM est une fédération régie par la loi du 1° juillet 1901, regroupant les associations de pensionnés de la Marine Marchande (commerce et pêche). La fédération a pour buts de resserrer et de développer les liens de solidarité entre tous les pensionnés ainsi que de défendre les intérêts des pensionnés et de leurs ayants droit. L'information aux adhérents se fait principalement par Le Demi-Soldier, organe trimestriel d'information de la fédération qui paraît quatre fois pas an.

    • Resilient Navigation and Timing Foundation

      • Much of the world depends upon satellite systems for precise navigation and timing services. These are exceptionally accurate and dependable, yet GPS/GNSS jamming, spoofing, and other forms of interference appear to be growing in frequency and severity. Neither are space systems immune to severe space weather or cyber-attack. This has the potential for devastating effects on our lives and economic activity. Our goals of deterring jamming and spoofing while encouraging additional resilient services will protect critical infrastructure and make the world a safer place. Include a libray with some of the more important documents in the field.


      • Библиотека Судоводителя - Морское Видео - Морской Софт - Позиция судов в реальном времени - Морские навигационные карты онлайн - Каталог морских навигационных карт - Расчет расстояний - Расчет приливов - Погода NAVTEX и Погода METAREA - Мореходная Астрономия - Вычисления с помощью Морского Астрономического Альманаха - Каталог Морских Сайтов - Морское Чтиво - Гостевой книге.

    • Admiralty EasyTide (UKHO)

      • The service provides tidal data for over 7000 ports worldwide together with a host of other useful information - make Admiralty EasyTide your first port of call for reliable tidal information. Free predictions for today and the next 6 days.

    • Horaires des marées (SHOM)

      • Cette application permet de calculer la marée dans les principaux ports du monde et pour tous les ports, principaux et secondaires, de France métropolitaine. La référence de hauteur utilisée pour les prédictions de marée est le zéro des cartes qui, en général, correspond approximativement au niveau des plus basses mers (LAT : Lowest Astronomical Tide pour les Anglais). Il est possible d'insérez sur son propre site Internet les horaires de marée sous forme d'une vignette petite ou grande.

    • MARC : Modélisation et Analyse pour la Recherche Côtière

      • Coastal observations and forecasts for the coastlines of France & Overseas. MARC is a system aiming to provide a wide range of users, from private individuals to professionals, with daily observations and short-term forecasts about the coastal environment along the French coastlines bordering the English Channel, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea: currents, waves... All information contained on or available through this Web Site is for general information purposes only and does not constitute any investment advice. It can not be discerned or used with absolute reliability by anybody for a personal or professional activity such as maritime navigation. MARC does not replace offical forecast, warning and alert services nor official tide table predictions. Forecasts use French legal time. Maximum waves may be up to twice the significant height.

World Map: Forecasts of wave heights and directions for Day+1
                • Forecasts of combined wave heights and directions for Day+1

                • Height in meters - French legal time (UTC+1/2)

    • Ice Logistics Portal

      • The Ice Logistics Portal was created as a joint initiative of the International Ice Charting Working Group, the JCOMM Expert Team on Sea Ice and Polar View for the International Polar Year. It is now maintained by the German Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie. It is intended to create a convenient point of access to operational sea ice information produced by the world's ice services. Access to products is provided via a series of pre-defined regions for both the Arctic and the Antarctic. Since the primary focus of the Ice Logistics Portal is on operational sea ice data (i.e. ice charts), only the most recent information is displayed for any given region.

Ice chart for European Arctic (NMI)

Book SHOM 1D: Symboles, abréviations et termes utilisés sur les cartes marines
Book DHN/CHM: Lista de Faróis
Book NOAA: United States Coast Pilot 1
Chart NOAA 11013: Straits of Florida and Approaches

L'urgence prime la forme - By Cr - 2012-2021

For updates, corrections, new charts or new documents please send an e-mail to