
Economics Publications:

Andrabi, T., Bau, N., Das, J., Karachiwalla, N. & Khwaja, A. (2024). 'Crowding in Private Quality: The Equilibrium Effects of Public Spending in Education,' Quarterly Journal of Economics, qjae014.

VoxDev Blog.

Online Appendix.

Hidrobo, M., Karachiwalla, N., & Roy, S. (2023) The impacts of cash transfers on mental health and investments: Experimental evidence from Mali. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 216, pp 608-630.

       IFPRI Blog.

Kurdi, S., Breisinger, C., ElDidi, H., El-Enbaby, H., Gilligan, D., and Karachiwalla, N. (2023). 'Cash Transfers, Gender Norms, and Women's Control Over Decision-Making in Egypt,' accepted at Economic Development and Cultural Change.


Gilligan, D., Karachiwalla, N., Kasirye, I., Lucas, A., and Neal, D. (2019). 'Educator Incentives and Educational Triage in Rural Primary Schools', Journal of Human Resources 1118-9871R2. NBER Working Paper No. 24911.

      VoxDev Blog. 

Karachiwalla, N. (2019).  'A teacher unlike me: social distance, learning, and intergenerational mobility in developing countries', Economic Development and Cultural Change, 67(2), 225-271.

     Media Coverage.

Ashour, M., Gilligan, D. Hoel, J., & Karachiwalla, N. (2019). 'Do beliefs about agricultural input counterfeiting correspond with actual rates of counterfeiting? Evidence from Uganda', Journal of Development Studies, 55(6) 1285-1306.

Karachiwalla, N. and A. Park, (2017).  'Promotion Incentives in the Public Sector: Evidence from Chinese Schools', Journal of Public Economics, 146, 109-128.

     VoxDev Blog.

     Media Coverage.

Health Publications:

Braga, Bianca C.; Nguyen, Phuong H.; Tran, Lan Mai; Hoang, Nga Thu; Bannerman, Boateng; Doyle, Frank; et al. (2024). Feasibility of using an artificial intelligence-based telephone application for dietary assessment and nudging to improve the quality of food choices of female adolescents in Vietnam: Evidence from a randomized pilot study. Current Developments in Nutrition, article in press.

Chimbutane, F., Herrera-Almanza, C., Karachiwalla, N., Lauchande, C., & Leight, J. (2023). COVID-19 school closures and mental health of adolescent students: Evidence from rural Mozambique. SSM-Mental Health, 3, 100203.

IFPRI blog.

Ahmed, A., Hoddinott, J., Karachiwalla, N. & Roy, S. (2018). ' Nutrition behaviour change communication causes sustained effects on IYCN knowledge in two cluster-randomised trials in Bangladesh', Maternal and Child Nutrition, 14(1), e12498.

Hoddinott, J., Karachiwalla, N., Ledlie, N., & Roy, S. (2016). 'Adolescent girls' infant and young child nutrition knowledge levels and sources differ among urban and rural samples in Bangladesh', Maternal and Child Nutrition, 12 (4), 885-897.

Book Chapters:

Abay, Kibrom A.; Karachiwalla, Naureen; Kurdi, Sikandra; and Salama, Yousra. 2023. Food price shocks and diets among poor households in Egypt. In The Russia-Ukraine Conflict and Global Food Security, eds. Joseph Glauber and David Laborde. Section Four: Country Impacts and Responses: Middle East and North Africa, Chapter 25, Pp. 129-134.

Kurdi, S., Breisinger, C., ElDidi, H., El-Enbaby, H., Gilligan, D., and Karachiwalla, N. (2018). 'Targeting social safety nets using proxy means tests: Evidence from Egypt’s Takaful and Karama program', Chapter 10 in ReSAKKS Annual Trends and Outlook Report, 135-153.

Working Papers:

Karachiwalla, N., Kosec, K., Asad, S., Habib, M., Leaver, C., and Ur-Rehman, A. (2023). ‘Coaching, not monitoring? Insights from a school accountability reform in Pakistan’, IFPRI Discussion Paper 1987. revision requested.

Karachiwalla, N. & Palloni, G. (2022). 'Human Capital and Structural Transformation,' IFPRI Discussion Paper 01836. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 

Gilligan, D., & Karachiwalla, N. (2022). ‘Subsidies and Product Assurance: Evidence from Agricultural Technologies’, working paper.

Gilligan, D., Karachiwalla, N., & Thai, G. (2022). 'Information, Beliefs, and Adoption: Evidence from Agricultural Inputs in Uganda', working paper.

Berhane, G., Gilligan, D., Hoddinott, J., Hirvonen, K., Karachiwalla, N. (2020). ‘Time-use of front-line health workers during the Covid-19 pandemic in rural Ethiopia: a quantitative study’, working paper.

Gilligan, D., Hoel, J., & Karachiwalla, N. (2018). 'Quantitative versus qualitative measures of eliciting ambiguity preferences: Evidence from Uganda', working paper.

Permanent Working Papers:

Karachiwalla, N. (2006).  'The Extended Family as a Risk-Sharing Institution: Evidence from Urban and Rural Tanzania', MSc Thesis, University of Oxford.



Ongoing Projects:

I lead a body of work focusing on food, land, and water systems, as well as crises and how social protection protects households from them. This work includes impact evaluations and political economy analyses under the One CGIAR Initiative 'National Policies and Strategies (NPS).

Lead PI: World Vision PARES evaluation on phase-out of school-feeding in Mozambique (with James Allen and Jordan Kyle).

PI: Impact of World Vision's graduation program among refugees in Somalia on household livelihoods (with Jessica Leight and Kalle Hirvonen).

Lead PI: Understanding the effects of Covid-19 among households in Uganda (with Daniel Gilligan and Giang Thai).

Lead PI: Evaluation of the McGovern Dole school meals and World Vision Unlock Literacy intervention in Mozambique (with Feliciano Chimbutane, Catalina Herrera-Almanza, Carlos Lauchande, and Jessica Leight)

Project Note.

PI: Evaluation of the Jigisémèjiri Cash Transfer Program in Mali (with Melissa Hidrobo, Lieven Huybregts, and Shalini Roy)

Project Note (English)  Project Note (French).

Co-PI: Evaluation of Egypt's Takaful and Karama conditional cash transfer programme (with Clemens Breisinger, Daniel Gilligan, and Sikandra Kurdi)

       Policy Brief (English) Policy Brief (Arabic).

        Media Coverage.

        Media Coverage.


Lead-PI: Teacher and school principal accountability in Pakistan (with Saher Asad, Masooma Habib, Katrina Kosec, and Clare Leaver)


Policy Brief.      

Media Coverage.

        Media Coverage.

Co-PI: E-verification as a method to reduce counterfeiting of agricultural inputs in Uganda (with Daniel Gilligan and Giang Thai)


Other Work:

Scope of Work: Education Fund for Sindh Voucher Evaluation (with Jishnu Das and Tahir Andrabi), December 2012.

Secondary Education Financing in Asia and the Pacific (with G. Rawle), UNESCO Report, 2011.

Appropriate and Effective Financing Modalities and Channels for Education in Fragile Situations (with A. Thompson), INEE Report, October 2009.

Cleaning up dirty elections (with A. Teytelboym), CSAE Briefing Paper 02, Sept. 2009.