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Club members compete in various regattas in Canberra, Sydney, regional country areas, interstate and even overseas.

Where possible we compete as a Nature Coast Dragon Boat Club team, but if there are insufficient club members, we combine with other regional clubs.

This is particularly the case for interstate competitions such as the Masters Games and the Pan Pac Masters

Regattas 2019/2020

Social Events

Pub night. Last Tuesday of the month after paddling. What else needs to be explained?

Christmas Party 14th December 2019. Venue to be decided

Cake Stall Moruya Market 14th December

K1s for training:

The club has recently purchased two K1 racing canoes and, thanks to Nev and Charles (from Merimbula), have added outriggers.

All members who have been trained in their care have access to these via a booking diary in the lockup. They will be ideal for those quiet Sundays in summer when you feel like having a paddle.

We recommend that you go out in pairs, it's easier anyway if you have help carrying them, but it's another great reason to be a member of our club.


If anyone is interested in doing more sweeping and perhaps even getting up to speed to get accredited let one of our sweeps know, we are more that happy to help and pass a session over to you.