

I am a Financial Economist interested in topics related to banking, monetary policy, inequality and financial history.


Contact information

Department of Finance

Erasmus University

Burgemeester Oudlaan 50

3062 PA Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Office    E2-43

Phone    +31 (0) 10 408 1366

E-mail    n.r.d.dwarkasing@ese.eur.nl

Curriculum Vitae



"Value creating mergers: British bank consolidation, 1885–1925", joint with Fabio Braggion and Lyndon Moore (Explorations in Economic History, 2022)

"Nothing Special about Banks: Competition and Bank Lending in Britain,1885-1925", joint with Fabio Braggion and Lyndon Moore ( The Review of Financial Studies, 2017)

"The bank lending channel of Monetary Policy: A review of the literature and an agenda for future research", joint with Mintra Dwarkasing and Steven Ongena, book chapter in "Palgrave Handbook of European Banking", Thorsten Beck and Barbara Casu (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.

"Increasing Market Concentration in British Banking, 1885 to 1925", joint with Fabio Braggion and Lyndon Moore, book chapter in "Institutions, Innovation, and Industrialization: Essays in Economic History and Development", John Nye, Avner Greif and Lynne Kiesling (eds.), Princeton University Press, 2015.

Work in progress

"Unconventional Monetary Policy and Wealth Inequality: Evidence from banks borrowing from the Lender of Last Resort", joint with Mintra Dwarkasing, Sjoerd van Bekkum and Yashvir Gangaram Panday. Draft coming soon

"The Evolution and Economic impact of African American banks: The USA from 1900 to present", joint with Mintra Dwarkasing and Yashvir Gangaram Panday. Draft coming soon

"Do changes in monetary policy induce bank risk taking? Evidence from an exogenous shock" (previously circulated under: Monetary conditions and bank loan risk taking: Evidence from the North and South Wales Bank, 1881-1894)