W Theory ©

Well-being at work, company performance and improvement of the environment in the deep political and socio-economic crisis that we have known for nearly 50 years constitute the systemic triptych of "intelligent organization" that we observe, analyse and model for 25 years. Our research has allowed us to study in the field the constant development of the state of suffering of employees, the multiplication of human risk behaviors in society, and the extent of disasters on the social, political and economic environment. From the beginning of our work, a common thread presented itself. In front of the critical historical evolution of the economy and of the management that manages it, it seemed absolutely necessary to start by re-identifying, linking, modeling the human being / information system and management / environment interaction, and deciphering new trends (descriptive approach). Then, it was imperative to make more accessible, coherent and relevant fundamental knowledge in management sciences, especially in Accounting-Control, by a systemic approach, complex and comprehensive (explanatory approach). Finally, it was essential to develop a new Management Theory, auto poietic[1] and wise (W, after X, Y and Z) in order to make the organization intelligent (prescriptive approach). Indeed, as the historian A. Chandler shows, and an essential characteristic of complex thought, the world undergoes evolution at the same time as it constructs itself. It is therefore thanks to a certain discernment acquired gradually by know (increase of knowledge), know-how (development of competence) and doing it (constitution of experience), and thanks to the know-being (development of the behavior) that we could build solutions and obtain the results (not without difficulties) articulated, according to an abductive method, in two large parts convergent towards the intelligent organization: the solutions resulting from the conceptual analysis (Works carried out on the Mix Management© based on systemic socio-economic management approach, the tetraconscientization©, the Magic Cube© and the W Theory© of 'the intelligent organization' in a human economy (Thaler, 2018), with Interoperative antenarrative questioning), in the first part, deductive (theoretical framework); the results obtained by the practical implementation of these solutions (Work carried out on the sites carried out making the organization intelligent), in the second part, inductive (method applied in case).

Dr. Patrick J. M HAIM, HDR

[1] The ability of a living system to self-perpetually interact and interact with the environment to maintain its organization despite the change in its component elements (biological cell)

General Scheme of conceptual synthesis of the W theory of Dr. Patrick J. M. HAIM, HDR, ©2019