Join The Lab

Each semester we have a limited number of openings for undergraduate research assistants who are enthusiastic about research and eager to learn more about the research process. Potential research assistants should have good time management skills, pay attention to detail, and be highly intrinsically motivated. 

Duties in the lab include operating camera equipment during visits, connecting physiological equipment to participants, data entry, transcribing interviews, coding observations of children and parents, assisting with recruitment, and assisting with psychological testing (language, IQ, etc.). Although you may observe children in the lab, you will not spend your time playing with children.

Highly motivated students in the lab have the opportunity to work closely with Dr. Ekas and graduate students on research projects and can even conduct their own study to present at research conferences. Advanced students have also helped with publications and received authorship credit.

There are several important requirements for being accepted in the lab. Please review these requirements. 

If you meet these requirements, please click here to complete the lab application.

Deadline to apply: Each semester I typically have 2-5 spots available and receive 10-15 applications. I review applications in the weeks leading up to the start of class registration and contact students during the first week of registration. Please ensure your application is completed before the start of class registration to have the best chance of being reviewed and contacted.