We will have four poster presentations at ECVP2015.

投稿日: 2015/08/20 3:09:53

We will have four poster presentations at ECVP2015.

Kae Nakajima, Tetsuto Minami and Shigeki Nakauchi

Face and background colour effect on facial expression perception (abstract)

Yuji Nihei, Tetsuto Minami and Shigeki Nakauchi

An optimum stimulation method in SSVEP-Based researches and BCIs (abstract)

Yuta Suzuki, Takahiro Shinkai, Tetsuto Minami and Shigeki Nakauchi

Investigation of brightness perception with glare illusion by SSVEP (abstract)

Takahiro Shinkai, Tetsuto Minami and Shigeki Nakauchi

Influence of crossing hemifields in Multiple Object Tracking (abstract)