
Limitations of Human Nature

Limited working memories: Most people can reliably remember three or four items at a time while the upper limit is

five to seven items. As a result, humans tend to remember

information in terms of key words, phrases, and pictures, which

can lead to an over-simplified view of various models,

procedures, etc.

Limited attention: Studies have shown that the mind can concentrate on, at most, two or three things simultaneously.

Concentration is further hindered by stress. These limitations can

result in individuals ignoring or missing important information.

Limited perspective: Edward de Bono states “… the mind cannot really notice all there is to notice.” Because the human

mind cannot perceive all the facts pertinent to a decision, only parts of a problem receive attention. This limitation hinders

problem solving and leads to inaccurate mental pictures or models.

Difficulty seeing their own errors: Because of limited working memories, attention span, and perspective, individuals are prone to omissions. In addition, individuals are encouraged to focus on the task at hand, narrowing their perspective and causing them to not see their own mistakes.

Susceptibility to emotion: Anger, embarrassment, social anxiety, pride, the need to belong, etc. can all inhibit critical

evaluation and problem solving.

Susceptibility to fatigue and stress: Physical, emotional, and mental fatigue can all lead to impaired reasoning and physical limitations. Stress can also result in panic, fear, inhibited decision making, and impaired senses.

Motivation to succeed and accomplish goals: People naturally want to succeed. If error-free performance is not held up as an

important value or is not established as the standard for performance, then at-risk behavior in the pursuit of job accomplishment can actually be encouraged.

SMILE to Be a Scientist

A scientist should have the following characters:

Stamina (courageous, energetic, dedicated), stubborn, self confidant.

Motivated, passionate

Intelligent, independent, insightful, inquisitive, integrity.

Love of learning, Lucky!

Enthusiastic, enduring, explorer.
