
I am a lecturer at the Centre for Theoretical Physics & Natural Philosophy, Mahidol University, Thailand. My main research interest is the application of dynamical systems analysis and cosmological data analysis to study dark energy.

The great ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, in his chief cosmological treatise, On The Heavens introduced a new mysterious substance in order to explain the heavenly objects. He believed, the nature and behavior of the heavenly objects are so different from the earthly objects, the introduction of a new substance is required. Later on, this cosmic element was named as quintessence or fifth element. More than two thousand years after Aristotle the modern astrophysical observations have confirmed our universe to be dominated by some strange and mysterious components Dark Matter and Dark Energy.

In 1929, Edwin Hubble while examining the relationship between distance and redshift of galaxies discovered that the universe is expanding. If the universe is filled with ordinary matters, the expansion would ultimately slow down. On the contrary, in 1998, two different groups of astronomers from the study of Supernovae Type Ia (SN Ia) independently reported the universe is not only expanding but is expanding with acceleration. Observations have also confirmed this accelerated expansion is a late time phenomenon. After two decades of more high precision cosmological observations, yet there is no identification of the source behind this late time cosmic acceleration. Still, we do not have a better explanation than the introduction of a new exotic matter component or a new theory of gravity, which rules the heaven.