
University of Dayton


Principles of Microeconomics

Labor Economics

Public Economics


Senior Capstone: Applied Research Methods in Economics

Student Research Advising:

"Job Diversity and Its Impact on Intergenerational Mobility at the County Level" (D. Olson, Honors Thesis, 2022)

"Mortgage Discrimination and District Manipulation: Deterrents to Minority Mobility" (M. Rice, Honors Thesis, 2020)

"Proxied Measurement of Knowledge Diffusion from the Frontier: Analysis of Patent Citation Networks" (P. Boorsma, Independent Study, 2020)

"Determinants of Congressional Approval and Re-election: Does Productivity Matter?" (D. O'Brien, Independent Study, 2017)

"Mothers as Career Leaders: Do Maternity Leave Laws Make a Difference?" (B. Smith, Honors Thesis, 2017)

"Cattle, Kids, and Cross-Community Ties: A Study of Consumption Insurance Mechanisms in Rural Ethiopia" (A. Lighter, Independent Study, 2015)

The Ohio State University

Current Economic Issues in the United States (graduate instructor)

Principles of Microeconomics (graduate instructor)

Principles of Macroeconomics (graduate instructor)

Graduate Macroeconomics (teaching assistant)